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6 days later and it was Taehyung's birthday.

A party, that's what Taehyung threw for his birthday. It wasn't that big he only invited the people he knew those being Jungkook and His family(The Jeons, Hwangs and Songs), Jisoo, Jimin, Yoongi and Hoseok.

Taehyung had lots of fun and got lots of gifts, but even so he couldn't help but notice the tension between him and Jimin, Him and Jungkook or Jungkook and Jimin.

It was always kinda awkward when they were together. But Taehyung decided to just focus on enjoying himself, it was his birthday after all.

Unlike Jimin's birthday, when the party ended no-one stayed Jimin and Jungkook went home just like everyone else. The thought of staying never even crossed their minds.

That's why Taehyung found himself sitting on the couch alone, looking down at the bracelet that Jungkook and Jimin had brought him.

It was a silver chain that had the words and letters Park J, Kim T and Jeon J ingraved on a plate that was attached to the chain.

Taehyung knew that it stood for Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook they had told him that when they showed him theirs.

When Taehyung was given the bracelet he wanted to cry out of happiness but right now when he looked at it he wanted to cry out of sadness.

He had been thinking about Jungkook, Jimin and Him, their relationship, anyone could see it wasn't working out, they were barely seeing each other outside of school and even in school they didn't talk to each other to much.

Taehyung hated it but he didn't think there was anything he could do without regretting it.

He could see Jimin was getting better he was smiling alot and was so happy when he told Taehyung and Jungkook he'd seen himself in the mirror without puking.

Jungkook was busy helping his siblings and Taehyung knew If he asked him to take some time away from them to be with him Jungkook would only worry about their well being alot more.

And he was busy trying to keep up with his grades, something that was really hard for him.

So that's why Taehyung decided he would have to let them go.

He decided he would break up with Jungkook and Jimin, they needed it, they needed to have someone who they had time for, someone who could look after them and love them the way they didn't have time to love each other.


This is written really bad because I had alreadywritten it and then it disappeared so I had to re-write it the next day and I couldn't remember what I wrote but yeah. Sorry it's short.

Spoiler alert↓

They break up in the next chapter

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