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"I'll definitely have proof by then"

Is what Taehyung said a week ago and he hadn't gotten anything.

Today was Saturday and as usual he was supposed to hang out with Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok but instead of doing that they were currently arguing with Jimin.

"But it's our day!" Yoongi sighed "I know I'm sorry, I can only stay until 5pm" Jimin said.

The reason they were arguing was because Yerin had asked Jimin to see her mum this Saturday. The problem was that it was the day that Jimin always hung out with Yoongi and Hoseok, as well as Taehyung and Jungkook.

So, of course this would cause a problem.

"Tell her to pick another day" Hoseok said "I don't want to upset her she's been asking me for the past few weeks" Jimin said "your putting her being upset before our regular meeting!?" Hosoek asked Jimin just stayed silent.

"Isn't it bros before hoes?" Yoongi asked "she's not a hoe" Jimin said "she looks like one" Yoongi said rolling his eyes.

"I shouldn't have even told you I wasn't staying and should have just not showed up" Jimin said standing up "no you should have told her to find another fucking day! From before you dated her we always hung out on Saturdays why does it have to change!?" Yoongi asked.

"It's one Saturday Yoongi!" Jimin sighed "one Saturday will turn into 2 then 3 and then so on!" Yoongi said "no it won't it's just once, we can make it up and hang out on Sunday" Jimin said.

"I have work on Sunday! That's why we have it on Saturday because no-one has a problem and we're all free!" Yoongi said.

"Come on Yoongi it's just one day" Jimin sighed "no.. call her and tell her to change the date" Yoongi said with a sigh Jimin sat back down and pulled out his phone.

"She's not gonna like this" Jimin sighed "I don't give a fuck, she shouldn't have arranged this knowing you had plans" Yoongi said.

As Jimin clicked on her number Yoongi spoke again "put it on loudspeaker" he said with another sigh Jimin did as he was told.

"Hello" Yerin said "hey Yerin" Jimin said "what's up why did you call?" Yerin asked "uh.... I can't go to your mum's house today" Jimin said.

"What? But I've already told her your coming and she was so excited" Yerin said Jimin furrowed his eyebrows "I... I thought we were gonna keep it a surprise" Jimin said.

" Yeah we were supposed to but... I accidentally slipped up when I was talking to her on Tuesday" Yerin said.

"But I asked you on Thursday If you had spoken to her and you told me no" Jimin said " was Thursday that I spoke to her though" Yerin said "but I was with you the whole day on Thursday" Jimin said.

"Yerin If she doesn't know why bother lying?" Jimin asked "....I-I just wanted you to come my mum has been asking all month and I wanted to make her happy" Yerin sighed.

"But still you shouldn't lie to me, I don't lie to you" Jimin said "..the bracelet that you and those boys wear, tell me the truth about it then" Yerin said "those boys have names and I don't know what truth your talking about I've explained to you it's just a bracelet" Jimin said.

"If it's just a bracelet then why don't you take it off huh? I've given you lots of jewellery and you've taken those off but that one you don't take it off not even once, I hope nothing happened between you guys in the past I'm starting to doubt your words after you said you were bisexual" Yerin said.

"Hold on a minute firstly If I've told you it's just a bracelet you should just believe me and second Bisexual or whatever my sexuality is should not change the amount that you trust me it's not like I'm gonna cheat on you because I'm bisexual" Jimin said.

"That hickey on Taehyung's neck he said it was from you" Yerin said "he said what?!" Jimin asked turning his head to Taehyung who shook his head.

"I said it was from Jungkook, I don't know why she's lying" Taehyung said "remember if we say something then the other should just believe it" Yerin said.

"Hold on a fucking minute! Firstly what hickey! Secondly I've never given a hickey to anyone nor do I know how to and Thirdly I don't even know what your talking about!" Jimin said.

"That day I hung out with your friends and then I called you, I could hear noise in the background" Yerin said "hold up! I don't know what you are talking about! I fell asleep talking to you I swear! And if I gave Taehyung a hickey wouldn't he give me on to? Or wouldn't Jungkook have one it doesn't make sense for him to be the only on with one when there's 3 of us" Jimin said.

"Jimin I don't want to get involved or anything but I gave Taehyung that hickey and I don't see a reason for him to lie to her" Jungkook said.

"I don't either" Jimin said "why would I lie to you?" Yerin asked "I have no idea, why would you accuse me of cheating?!" Jimin asked.

"Everything just seems weird Jimin when you met him you completely froze, that day you guys went to the bathroom together after I asked about the bracelet, I saw you shaking your head at him, It's just weird I feel like there's something I don't know, that's why I lied, he didn't say where he got it from I didn't ask, I figured it was from Jungkook, but I thought If I said that maybe then you would tell me just what happened between you 2!" Yerin said.

Just like that Jimin hung up, he didn't know what to say, he was pissed how could she make up something like that what if he believe her and he lost Taehyung?

"So you decide to give him a hickey in my bed?" Jimin asked turning to Jungkook who didn't bother saying anything "hey it wasn't his fault, I started it, if you want to be angry then be angry at me" Taehyung said.

"I'm not angry at either of you! I'm angry at myself! I almost believed her, I almost believed you would actually lie to her" Jimin said.

"I'm not surprised I mean as much as I hate her guts, I wouldn't lie about her, but if you think I would I understand I haven't said the nicest things about her" Taehyung said "But no matter how much I hate someone I won't lie about them, It's just not right".

"I believe you" Jungkook spoke up, a smile instantly making it's way to Taehyung's face he knew Jungkook was talking about what he had told him in the car a week ago.

"Really!?" Taehyung asked "mhh I think I've seen enough proof" Jungkook smiled "what's going on?" Hoseok asked.

"Nothing let's go order" Taehyung said a big smile plastered on his face.


Boi finally got his proof, also double update.

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now