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"So your telling me a lady dragged him into a house and you heard screaming before his sister ran inside and you didn't do shit?" Yoongi asked "what did you want me to do? It was obvious they both knew him and I was still baffled Jisoo suddenly said I was her friend and then started insulting Jimin, it was alot to process" Taehyung said.

"It's not really his place to do anything" Jungkook said "exactly" Taehyung agreed "ok but will Jimin even be able to come to whatever you were planning?" Hoseok asked.

"I'm sure he will, if he doesn't come to school tomorrow and doesn't pick up my calls then we should stop planning it but if he does than we'll talk to him and then decide" Taehyung said.

"Sounds like a plan" Jungkook said "so are you coming?" Hoseok asked "yeah of course I am" Jungkook said.

"Well, let's just pray he comes tomorrow"


All Jimin did was sleep, that's right after Taehyung left Jimin's house on Tuesday night Jimin got beat harder and longer than usual and after not sleeping for 4 days his body gave out when he reached his room, so he slept as his back bleed out.

He slept for 34 hours. When he woke up he felt cold and sore as fuck despite that Jimin grabbed his phone and checked the time where he was it was 4am.

When he noticed it was now the 4th instead of the 3rd of October Jimin almost screamed, but held it back and put his phone on charge before finally getting ready to get ready for school.

It took longer than usual but Jimin managed as usual. He left quietly although he was limping he managed to keep his mouth shut.

By the time he got to school he felt his legs give out and sat on the floor yes it wasn't the cleanest of places but he couldn't walk anymore.

Jimin didn't even realise tears were streaming down his face until he heard a familiar voice, not the person he wanted to see when he didn't have his sunglasses, when he didn't have his concealer.

"Shit! Jimin why are you crying?" Jungkook asked "I'm not crying my eyes are just leaking" Jimin sighed trying to get up but seeing it was no use "do you want a hand?" Jungkook asked reaching out his hand.

"Thanks" Jimin said taking Jungkook's hand and pulling himself up it hurt a lot but he managed "are you ok?" Jungkook asked "I'm fine" Jimin sighed letting go of Jungkook's hand and walking off.

Jungkook trailed behind and he walked into the bathroom his eyes slowly stopped 'leaking' as he did.

Once he was there he made sure all the stalls were empty which they were once he was done he started applying concealer to his face Jungkook just watched from the door.

He eventually burst out laughing watching Jimin seeing him apply the concealer without knowing where his bruises were was a somehow funny to Jungkook.

"Do you want help?" Jungkook asked "yes please" Jimin nodded although is came out as a whisper, with a sighed Jungkook walked over to Jimin taking the concealer and the brush from his hands.

"Why not just look in the mirror?" Jungkook asked squeezing out some of the cream onto Jimin's face before brushing it across his bruises.

"I don't like looking the mirror, I'm sure you can see bruises I have, they're horrible" Jimin sighed looking down "when was the last time you look in the mirror?" Jungkook asked "almost 2 years ago" Jimin responded keeping his gaze low "Then how would you know if you haven't seen them?" Jungkook asked "I had a mirror in my bathroom at home and I broke it... Because I was tired of seeing myself looking like that bruised up, hurt, scarred" Jimin answered.

Jungkook took a deep breath before moving away from Jimin slightly "your so beautiful though" he said "without m-" "with or with out your bruises your beautiful" Jungkook said cutting Jimin off.

Hearing Jungkook's words Jimin instantly looked up from the ground his eyes meeting Jungkook's "am I really?" Jimin asked "you are" Jungkook said not breaking the eye contact their eyes had made.

The silence that fell upon them drew them closer, neither of them even noticed untill their noses were touch and there's breaths were fanning over each others lips.

"You really are beautiful" was the last words Jungkook said before his and Jimin's lips made contact in the form of a kiss

If they were being honest they didn't know what they were doing, they barely knew each other yet here they were kissing each other like they were made for each other.

It was only when their lips parted that Jimin realizing "shit! That was my first kiss! Shit! We just kissed" Jimin breathed out.

Jungkook's hand trailed over his own lips realization hitting them both.

And for some reason they both wanted to do it again

Both not doing it or to different reasons

Jungkook because he was still confused as to why he kissed Jimin.

And Jimin because his mind wouldn't get the name Kim Taehyung out of his mind


Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual, It's late and it's really trashy! So I'm updating twice!

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