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Ok before you start reading I wanna say thank you guys for
being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy reading.

"Hold up what are you talking about?" Jimin asked "firstly I'm not with Yerin because of my health, whatever I said yesterday was complete rubbish I was drunk".

Yesterday after Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook stayed up late talking about how Yerin cheated and other things, they eventually ended up staying over and today they had told Jimin they would help him break up with her but he wasn't having it.

"Jimin drunk words mean sober actions" Jungkook said "it's drunk words are sober thought" Taehyung corrected "same thing" Jungkook said rolling his eyes.

"Look I... I...Love... Yerin, so there for there is no reason to break up with her" Jimin stuttered he clearly didn't believe himself "she cheated on you, and said she didn't have a boyfriend" Taehyung stated.

"... She probably had her reasons" Jimin sighed "for cheating on you multiple times?" Jungkook questioned "Ok so what she did cheat on me a few times" Jimin said.

"What reason would be worth cheating on someone?" Taehyung asked "It doesn't matter" Jimin said his tone of voice and face expression showing that there was more to his words "is there something your not telling us?" Jungkook asked feeling like there was something they didn't know

"no.... it's just that I...I told her I'm not ready to have sex with her and she told me she would wait untill I'm ready so I told her when the times comes I will let her know and everytime she asks me I say no, so she could have cheated for that reason" Jimin sighed.

"That's a stupid reason to cheat" Taehyung said "I mean if she's not satisfied with the fact that your not ready to have sex with her, then she should talk it out with you, and tell you that she wants to have sex with others because your not ready".

"Would you actually say that to you partner?" Jimin asked "of course I would if your not ready to have sex with me and I want to have sex I'm going to talk to you about it, I mean I obviously don't really want to if I'm cheating on you and pretending we're not dating, it's not like their fucking in the restaurant they are going on a date saying they are dating Jimin, that says alot" Taehyung said.

"Yeah... I agree, if she had just had sex with someone else it would be different but from what you've told us, she went out on dates multiple times with multiple people, that tells me two things, she's either a hoe or just likes to date around" Jungkook said

A deep sight left Jimin's lips as he listened to Jungkook and Taehyung's words "if I break up with her, and like you guys said you will help me, how will you help me?" He asked.

"We'll.... Uh... I don't know I didn't think of that... I was thinking just be there for you when you need us after breaking up with Yerin" Jungkook said.

"You know I would have to rely on you guys alot right?" Jimin asked "it can't be that much I mean we'll be like best friends" Jungkook said.

"I mean as long as you guys don't mind and don't leave me I'll break up with her" Jimin informed "I swear, this time I won't leave you, no matter what" Taehyung assured

"Same" Jungkook said, a long sigh left Jimin's lips before he spoke.

"I guess I have a girlfriend to break up with now"


I don't know if you can tell but I struggled with writting
this alot. And since this chapter is short I'll be posting
twice today the next chapter will be 3x the length
Of this one, so a little more than 1500 words Basically
500 more words than usual! .

But over the week I have gone over the chapters edited
and proofread them so you guys don't have to worry
about me taking another break!

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