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"You sure you don't want me to drop you home?" Ryan asked getting into his car "yeah I'm sure" I smiled "alright well I'll see you on Tuesday" Ryan smiled.

"Yeah bye" I waved before turning to walk to the bus stop "bye!" Ryan shouted before driving away.

When I got home I was still happy, spending the day with my best friend was one of the only things I really enjoyed.

I jumped into bed thinking about the past suddenly wondering if Taehyung and Jungkook had made friends.

Though I soon stopped, reminded myself how much of a broken heart they left me with frowning I picked up my phone to distract myself.

As I  did it began ringing, it was an unknown number I sighed before answering it. "Hello?" I said "hello is this Jimin, Park Ji Min?" a lady asked "uh yes who is this?" I asked "I'm a nurse and looten hospital, Kim Ryan was submitted to the hospital and he was calling for you" The lady said.

"W-what..w-hat happened to h-him?" I asked my heart beating faster than ever before "he had a heart attack and he's currently laying on the hospital bed, can you please come and see him he doesn't have long left" The nurse said

"Yeah I'll be there in 10 minutes!" I said hanging up and grabbing my things before rushing out of the house.

I took the bus, and unfortunately there was traffic so it took 25 minutes to get to looten hospital.

"Where is he?!" I asked the nurse at the front desk when I arrived, dispite being out of breath he managed to ask the question. "who?" The nurse asked "Kim Ryan!" I raised my voice slightly, I was panicking "umm who are you?" She asked.

"I'm park Jimin can you please just tell me where he is?!" I asked "he's in room 3 right over there" the nurse said pointing to one of the rooms.

I ran to the the room instantly opening the door, there were 4 people in the room, one a doctor, 2 nurses.. and Ryan.

I looked at Ryan who was lying on the hospital bed a small smile made it's way to his lips as he saw me.

I ran up to him taking ahold of his hand, seeing him look so helpless, I began begging n"Ryan! Please don't go, please stay alive, please you have to stay alive for me, for the children you wanted to have in the future for your future wife, Ryan" I pleaded my eyes blurry with tears seeing Ryan look so lifeless was horrible sight to see.

"Jimin, I want you to look after Jisoo, and stay strong, I know you can do it, Jimin, you have to stay strong if I could do it for this long then you have to do it for longer, you have to take over from me" Ryan said his voice coming out quiet and low.

"No, don't give up...please...." I trailed off seeing Ryan's eyes slowly close, the heart monitor began going off and as his hand went limp dropping out of my grip.

He was dead.

I felt my heart drop and tears run down my cheek, then word ringing in my ears "Jimin wake up! Wake up!" It was faint but it could still be heard Jungkook's voice speaking to me.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes. Tears were streaming down his face as his heart beat spead up, then he looked around see Jungkook sitting besides him and Taehyung laying down still fast asleep.

He sighed, realizing it was a dream it wasn't 2018 when he lost his best friend. It was 2020.

"Are you ok?" Jungkook asked those three words was enough to make Jimin cry harder, losing someone who was close to you was never something that was easy.

It was about 20 minutes later when Jungkook asked pretty much the same question "you sure your ok?" He asked when Jimin had calmed down.

"yeah it was just a bad dream" Jimin tried to brush it off "it must have been bad enough to make you cry" Jungkook said Jimin just stayed silent, looking at the ground.

Then he broke, his eyes water as he spoke "I miss him" he said "who?" Jungkook asked "he was my best friend, but I..- he d-died, his heart was weak and he had to go, he told me to stay strong, he told me I had to take over from him, I was the last thing he saw before he died, it hurt I felt his hand go limp as the heart monitor went off" Jimin said his eyes watering more and more untill tears began streaming down his cheeks.

"I know Jimin, it's not easy losing people that you love it's not easy losing people close to you, and the easiest way to get over it is to be happy, if that's what the person wanted of us that's what we should do" Jungkook smiled.

What he said was true and it made Jimin smile and slightly nod.


So I needed a break drom the present so I brought
the past in also the beginning is Jimin's dream it's
written in his perspective.

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now