Help 이(2)

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The rest of the lunch period Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung spent their time talking.

Mainly about Taehyung and Hoseok. Jimin learned alot about about them.

He learned Taehyung and him were he same age although Jimin was older by two months while Hoseok was one year older than him.

Jimin also learned that despite Taehyung being 17 had a driving license and a job which he claimed was for when he needed a little extra cash, while Hoseok didn't since he came from a rich family, any extra cash he need he just had to ask for and he had it.

To say the least Jimin was envious his parents rarely gave him money, of course Jimin had a phone, a computer, clothes, food and anything he Needed.

The only time Jimin got money was when his parents gave him extra cash when they sent him to go buy the house groceries and that wasn't more than ₩5,000.00.

And Jimin decided to save it.


Right now Jimin was in class talking to someone he didn't really want to talk to but at the same time he didn't mind talking to.

"So Jimin how was your day?" Mr Kim asked "It was fine" Jimin responded he knew what Mr Kim was implying but decided to ignore it.

"Just fine? You didn't have fun? With Taehyung and Hoseok?" Seokjin asked "fun? I mean there ok to hang out with but I wouldn't say I had fun with them" Jimin said.

"So do you think your gonna hang out with them tomorrow?" Seokjin asked "I hope not, I don't mean to be rude or anything there's nothing wrong with them, but I just want to be alone, I prefer it" Jimin said

Though the words were a lie, after saying them so many times he couldn't tell weither he really liked being alone or not.

"Alright well at least I've tried I mean you smiled on the way here when you were talking to them" Seokjin said as Jimin opened his mouth to speak his phone began ringing.

With a sigh he looked down at Seokjin's desk where his phone was, he picked it up reading the contact which said "sister" Before answering

"Hello yes Jisoo, How can I help you?" He asked "mum said to get some shopping on your way home and make sure you come home at 11:20 since her guest are staying later than usual" Jisoo said.

"Alright, tell her to send some money" Jimin said with a sigh "she did, and you really need to stop sighing" Jisoo said "I don't remember asking for your thoughts on my actions" Jimin sassed before hanging up.

"Well I'm gonna get going now" Jimin said walking off before Mr Kim could utter another word.

As soon as Jimin stepped foot outside his school he let out a big sigh before he before he began walking to a near by park he knew he wouldn't need to start shopping untill 11:00pm


Jimin spent his next 8 hours at the park playing of his phone untill it was 15% the he walked around the park and played around before going shopping as soon as it hit 11:00pm.

It was now 11:25 and Jimin was still shopping he knew his mum's friend's would still be at home.

As Jimin put his items into his trolley he sighed continuesly.

Jimin put a bag of bread in his trolley as he got ready to sigh someone fell into him causing him to fall on to his trolley pushing it slightly which made him go forward as the person fell where he was previously standing.

"Shit sorry" the person said Jimin let out a big sigh before turning to face the stranger, he recognised them slightly but not enough to know weither or not he knew them.

"Oh... Your Jimin" the person said ".. yeah and you are?" Jimin asked "Yoongi Min Yoongi" "oh.. were in the same class right?" Jimin said.

"Yeah you helped me when Yugyeom and Eunwoo beat me up one time" Yoongi said "shit.. really?" Jimin asked "yeah... But are you ok? You have a cut under your eye and a bruise on the other one" Yoongi said.

Shit! I forgot to put my glasses back on!

Jimin thought.

"Uh... Yeah I just...I just fell" Jimin said reaching to touch his scar only he went to the wrong cheek "uh it's ok the other side" Yoongi said.

"Yeah, I know anyways are you ok? You said about how Yugyeom and Eunwoo beat you up one time and I know they're not really the type to do things once only" Jimin said.

"Uh.. yeah they left me alone, I was quite shocked but I think after what you said they got scared" Yoongi said.

"Oh really tha-" Jimin trailed off hearing his phone ringing he looked down at his hand where his phone was reading the contact that said "Mum".

Jimin sighed before answering it "hel-" before he could even greet her she cut him of "where the fuck are you!? I said to be here by 11:20! It's now 11:46!" She shouted, Jimin was sure Yoongi had heard her since his face expression changed quickly.

"Fuck!" Jimin gasped "did you just swear at me!?" His mother asked "no" Jimin sighed he moved the phone from his ear turning to Yoongi "I'll talk to you later Yoongi! Bye" Jimin said before running off pulling his trolley along as he put his phone back to his ear.

"Yoongi!? Who the fuck is Yoongi! Where are you young man!" Mrs park shouted "I'm at the shop I'm getting the last bits I'll be home in 5" Jimin said quickly hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket.

"Shit! I'm gonna fucking die to day!" Jimin sighed as he pushed his trolley to a till.


Describing abuse

By the time Jimin got home it was 11:57 and damn was he scared. His dad was home that meant he wasn't gonna get away with out getting beat, beat with a belt, beat hard with a belt.

And that's exactly what happened as soon as Jimin put his shopping down in the kitchen after walking into the house his dad walked into the kitchen after him.

And smacked him straight across the face and shit did it hurt "I don't care if you make friends or not but don't forget the time your told to come home!" His dad said taking off his belt.

Jimin could only brace himself for the pain he would be feeling the next few seconds. Though bracing himself didn't do much when he's getting beat by a black leather belt that caused his back to instantly turn red.


I forgot to say this in the last chapter.
Yes Jungkook is a bully, but no he is not the only bully
and is he nicest one out of all of the bullies But he is the
most known. Also what do you think of the story so far?

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓹 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓢𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 ~𝔳𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨~Where stories live. Discover now