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It was the next day that Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi decided to meet up and discuss what was going on.

Once Yoongi and Hoseok had been filled, Hoseok asked a question, a question that had been bothering him from the moment Jungkook had said about his dad abusing them and how they couldn't do anything since she could just buy a lawyer and if he paid them enough then they would only end up getting hurt more.

"Why didn't you ask me for help or something?" Was what Hoseok asked. His question making Jungkook instantly looked down.

"I'll be honest, I didn't do it because I didn't want to pressure you and make you or your family go through the stress of looking after all of us, but now I wish I did if it meant saving Jungmin from the things he did then I would have done it without even thinking, Jungmin didn't deserve any of this, he really didn't" Jungkook shook his head.

"Neither did you or any of your siblings" Taehyung said "I'm surprised your parents actually let you hang out with me" Jungkook said changing the subject slightly.

"Yeah, I had to do alot of begging, my mum said it was fine and she was sure you and Jimin needed someone to be their for them, Namjoon was the one who was saying no, I mean I understand as an older brother he doesn't want me to get into an trouble, but I feel like he should relax a bit" Taehyung smiled.

"Your brother and Mr Kim are dating aren't they?" Hoseok asked "mhh" Taehyung nodded a big smile making it's way to his face, though it soon disappeared as he spoke again.

"Enough about my brother what are we gonna do with Jimin? He hasn't said much since yesterday and I get the feeling that it has something to do with me touching his back like maybe he's still angry at me? Everytime I ask him what's wrong he says he's fine" Taehyung said.

"I am right here Taehyung" Jimin reminded hitting his arm slightly "and I told you I'm not mad at you, and I'm really fine" Jimin said, he would have smiled If he had enough energy but he didn't, so he didn't smile.

"You look tired today, and you haven't been talking much, even yesterday you didn't say much when we saw you" Hoseok point out "I thought we said we would tell each other what's going on" Yoongi added.

"I'm just a bit shaken up by yesterday's events, and I look tired because I didn't sleep much" Jimin shrugged "why not?" Yoongi asked, he was getting the feeling that it wasn't because of what happened yesterday.

"Just caught up in my thoughts and before I knew it Jungkook was getting up and so I decided to also get out of bed" Jimin said "you know sharing your thoughts can sometimes help you think better" Yoongi said.

Jimin wanted to laugh and say you just made that up but he couldn't do it so instead he just said "I don't share my thoughts that much, it's not that nice to hear".

"Still we want to make you feel better so we don't mind, just talk about how you feel and stuff" Taehyung joined in.

"If I told you I wanted to go home because when I'm with you guys I sleep well what would you think?" Jimin asked "well I would ask why before thinking anything" Jungkook said "I just told you why, because I sleep well" Jimin said "yeah but there has to be a reason for you to not like sleeping well" Taehyung said.

"If I sleep well I don't have time to overthink and when I get time it's to much for me to handle, because I start thinking about my mum calling me at random times when I'm alone and then I think about going home, then I remember, I don't live with my mum, and she doesn't give a shit so she wouldn't call me, then that leads to other thoughts and I just can't handle it and I want it to stop but I can't stop it so I end up breaking down"

"And some people would say I'm crying but I don't think I am. And it doesn't help when everytime I go to the bathroom I vomit because I catch a glance of myself in the mirror because I can't even handle the look of my own skin even though I'm not properly looking at it. Everything just makes me want to go home, seeing Jisoo makes me want to be sick because I can't hate her and I want to because I always feel like if she's part of the blame and it's not fair that I was the only one that got beat. I just want to go back to home. I feel like I want to go back to before I met you guys" Jimin sighed, though he covered his mouth straight after he realised the last words he said.

"I don't mean it like that it's just when I'm with you guys I can feel myself getting better but as soon as you leave me I break down, with is why I want to go back not because you guys are bothering me but because I can't handle the pain of being alone." Jimin clarified not giving anyone the chance to get the wrong idea.

"Jimin do you wanna go to a therapist maybe they can make you feel better, I'm not saying because I think your not mentally well but I know there is nothing we can do so maybe they would be able to help you" Yoongi said.

"I don't know I guess it would be better than torturing myself with my thoughts" Jimin said "alright then I'll ask my dad to find the best therapist in town" Hoseok smiled

"Thanks guys.." Jimin said a small smiled showing up on his face.

He was excited therapy sounded good.


From now on, I will be posting one chapter a day because my tablet isn't working to well and I don't know how long it will work, and I would like to complete this book before it gives out

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