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Now was the time.

The time Jisoo would meet Taehyung and for some reason Jimin had a feeling it wouldn't go well. I mean the beginning of his day didn't go to well and for Jimin usually when a day starts bad it ends bad.

"Who is that?" Jisoo asked pointing to Taehyung who stood besides Jimin "this is Taehyung he's my friends" Jimin said "oh nice it's good to see your making friends" Jisoo.

Taehyung was the only one who misses Jimin's eye roll.

"Well I know I'm supposed to hang out with you but I won't be, I'm going to be going out with a friend for 2 hours and then we'll meet up at 5 and chill together for an hour before we go back home. And Jimin, make sure you call me if anything happens" Jisoo said.

"Yeah yeah" Jimin said "bye it was nice meeting you though Taehyung" Jisoo said "you too" Taehyung responded before Jisoo turned and walked away.

"Wow.. what do you guys eat your both so beautiful" Taehyung said turning to Jimin "your one to talk" Jimin said walking off "what do you mean I'm not that beautiful" Taehyung said trailing after Jimin "oh please, have you seen yourself?" Jimin asked.

"Yes have you seen yourself? Your so cute, pretty, Beautiful, small and so much more" Taehyung said "oh please, you Gorgeous, Fabulous, Marvellous, Stunning, Big, Handsome and so much more" Jimin responded.

"What type of Big?" Taehyung asked raising an eyebrow "the same type that you were referring to when you called me small" "but you don't know what type of small I'm talking about" "Hey I'm talking about body size! Why are you so dirty?" Jimin asked.

"You the dirty one I never said anything" Taehyung said "let's just stop here before this leads to something it shouldn't" Jimin said.

"Sounds like a plan.... But anyways where are we going?" Taehyung asked "I don't know do you wanna watch a movie?" Jimin asked "as long as I get to pick" Taehyung said



That's how they ended up in the theater watching Chucky Jimin had wanted to say no since he hated horror movies but he kept reminding himself that they agreed on Taehyung picking the movie.

The movie was only 20 minutes in and Jimin was literally shaking in his seat "are you that scared?" Taehyung asked "yes I hate horror movies" Jimin sighed.

"Wanna hold my hand?" Taehyung smirked "yes!" Jimin said grabbing his hand, that was something Taehyung didn't expect.

He thought Jimin would just say no. But he didn't. Apart from that the other thing that suprised Taehyung was how much Jimin was shaking of course you could see him shaking but feeling it hit different.

The last thing Taehyung was surprised about was the size of Jimin's hands the were so small, and Taehyung struggled to watch the movie when Jimin's hand looked even better.

That's why the majority of the movie Taehyung spent time watching Jimin who watched the movie dispite being scared.

But the time it was done and it was time to leave Jimin left like his soul had felt him, his legs felt like jelly and his mind was a mess.

"That was so fucking scary!" Jimin said turning to Taehyung who instantly stopped staring at him "yeah I know" he said even though he hadn't watched it.

"Do you need help getting up?" Taehyung asked his and Jimin's hands were still intertwined "yes please" Jimin said.

Taehyung smiled getting up and taking Jimin's other hand to pull him up "shit! I think I've been sitting for to long my legs are literally jelly!" Jimin whined.

"Do you need help walking?" Taehyung asked "no thanks I think I got it" Jimin said standing straight he hadn't even realize he and Taehyung were still holding hands.

"Alright well let's go it's almost five now" Taehyung said looking down at his watch "we better get going then" Jimin said.


After about 20 minutes Jimin and Taehyung had reunited with Jisoo who greated them with a big smile.

"Did you guys have fun?" She asked "yeah what about you?" Jimin asked "yeah I had fun" Jisoo said as they began walking to the shops.

"Where are we going?" Taehyung asked "we need to get a few bits from the shop" Jimin said "nice" Taehyung said "ah speaking of shop, your watch is their a pacific one you want?" Jisoo asked.

"No and I really don't need a gift even if you got me a watch I would only be able to wear it outside since it would get broken inside or it would get taken away" Jimin said.

"Come on its your birthday I want to at least give you something even if it's something as small as ₩20,000.00" Jisoo said "alright just give me that then" Jimin shrugged "how about I give you both?" Jisoo aske

"I really don't need anything" Jimin sighed "wait! Your birthday is next week isn't it?" Taehyung asked "yeah" Jimin said "oh my god! Really? You must have plans for that day, oh my god I can't believe I forgo-" "I actually don't have plans" Jimin said cutting Taehyung off before he could continue his rant.

"Really? Not with your sister or family?" Taehyung asked as they reached the supermarket all three of them walking into it.

"Nope.. my sister is busy that day and my parents are um... Also busy" Jimin said that was a lie they probably weren't busy but definitely wouldn't be with him on that day.

"Then want to spend the day together?" Taehyung asked Jimin opened his mouth to say no but Jisoo spoke first "go Jimin" she said "no I don't want to deal with the stress when it get home" Jimin said.

"Jimin just go.. I will sort out everything else spend the day with your friends have fun" Jisoo smiled "are you sure?" Jimin asked "yeah we'll come up with a plan after" Jisoo said "you know if you can't make it it's fine" Taehyung said.

"No I can make it, but what are we gonna do?" Jimin asked "throw a party duh? It can be me, you, Yoongi, Hoseok and any other friends you have" Taehyung said.

"I don't have any other friends" Jimin said rubbing the back of his neck "Jungkook's not your friend?" Taehyung asked "uh no... The day we showed you around was the first time I ever spoke to him" Jimin said "really, I heard you, him and Yoongi talking this morning I just assumed you guys were close" Taehyung said.

Jimin, could see it he didn't want to but he could see that Taehyung slightly wished that Jungkook was his friends and they he would come "do you want him to come?" Jimin asked.

"Yes! I mean no! Ugh it's up to you" Taehyung sighed "I'll find a way to get him to come" Jimin said "you don't have to" Taehyung said "it's ok I want him to come too" Jimin smiled.

That was a lie but the way Taehyung face lit up when he asked if he wanted him to come made him want Jungkook to come.


Sorry for the late update
I've been so busy today!

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