Help 일(1)

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"Jimin! Get your ass downstairs!" Mrs Park, Jimin's mother shouted it was 5:50 and Jimin should really be sleeping but he wasn't since sleep wasn't something he did to often.

With a sigh Jimin got off his bed and rushed downstairs.

"What are you doing?!" His mother shouted when she saw he was in his PJ's his hair slightly messy "are your trying to be fucking late?!" She asked walking up to him "no, school doesn't start untill 8" Jimin said.

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Mrs Park asked tapping Jimin's cheek slightly "get ready to school, and I don't want to see your face untill 11pm I'm having friends over tonight" Mrs park said.

"And I'm supposed to go where?" Jimin asked "listen Jimin I'm not in the mood for your attitude and if you keep it up I will get your dad to deal with you so fix up!" Mrs park said "alright, alright" Jimin said turning to walk off.

"I don't know why I even bothered having a brat like you" Mrs park said rolling her eyes.

As soon as Jimin entered his bedroom he took a deep breath it felt like he had been holding his breath the whole time he was talking to his mum, it felt like someone was drowning him.

Well I better get ready for school

Jimin thought walking over to his closest to get his clothes they were mainly plain a few fancy, but only the ones that Jimin never got the chance to wear.

With a sigh Jimin grabbed a few clothes before going into the bathroom, most people looked into the bathroom mirror(if they had one) before or after they came out the shower, but Jimin didn't.

It wasn't that he didn't have a bathroom mirror but that he broke his, every time he went into he bathroom he would look at himself and throw up.

So when he turned 16 he stopped looking in the mirror. He still occasionally took pictures of his face but that was only when he felt really happy or really confident and he knew there were no bruises on his face

But when he looked in the mirror he would see bruises from his dad's beatings or from his mum throwing drunk bottles at him or from his sister slapping him and it made him angry or sick and as a result he ended up breaking it.

Now of course when you live in an abusive house consequences come with breaking things yours or not yours and Jimin didn't care.

He was used to the pain if anything he really didn't give two shits. Which is why he gave attitude to his mum because he really didn't care.

So as usual when Jimin entered the bathroom he went straight into the shower not bothering to even glance at the mirror.

Once Jimin had showered and gotten dressed he grabbed his backpack which had his books and pencil case . He put his hoodie on and put his sunglasses in his pocket.

Yep Jimin wore sunglasses everyday at school, why? Because he knew he had bruises somewhere around his eyes even though he rarely looked he could just tell.

So with another sigh Jimin looked around his room grabbing his keys, turned of the light and walked out shutting the door before locking the it.

Once that was done Jimin headed down stairs and out the front door shouting "please make sure your friends aren't here at 11:00pm!".

With that Jimin set off to school ignoring the slightly limp he had been ignoring since he came out of his room.


Jimin had heard there would be a new students but he really didn't care. It wasn't like they were suddenly gonna be best friends or that the new students would even look at him in Jimin's mind him and he new students wouldn't interact.

Unfortunately for Jimin His teacher Mr Kim had other plans for him.

Kim Seokjin was the only teacher that cared about Jimin he always tried to get Jimin to talk to him or to interact with the other students but Jimin always told him he was ok with a smile.

See Jimin was different at school then he was at home. He never gave attitude to anyone at school unless he needed to he was a nice sweet kid who actually gave a fuck but at home he didn't give a damn and would constantly give attitude to his mum and sometimes his sister he honestly didn't think anyone in that house deserved his respect.

If Jimin could he would disrespect his dad but he didn't want to die yet and so he was respectful to him.

But anyways back to the story.

Like I said Jimin had didn't think he would be interacting with the new kids but Mr Kim had other plans. Which is why Jimin was currently following around one bully of the school and 2 other boys.

He was supposed to be helping one of the bully of the school show the 2 boys around but instead he was just following behind scrolling through his Instagram since the bully seemed to be doing a great job so far.

Oh yes the bully had a name is was Jeon Jung Kook.

And the 2 boys were Kim Tae Hyung and Jung Ho Seok.

"You do know your supposed to be helping me?" Jungkook asked Jimin who looked up from his phone, he pushed his sunglasses up slightly before talking.

"I do but your doing a good job and I don't really know what to say" Jimin shrugged putting his phone away.

"Are you also new? I don't think I've seen you before" Jungkook said, Jimin rolled his eyes thankfully Jungkook couldn't see his eyes.

"No I'm not new, I just don't socialize anyways let's get to show these kids around I have things to do" Jimin said turning to Taehyung and Hoseok.

From then on they continued their tour Jimin doing most of the work this time.

Once they were done they stopped at the cafeteria which was the last stop.

"Well we've showed you guys around so feel free to do what you want" Jungkook said before walking off "um.. I guess this is the end uh... bye" Jimin said turning to walk off unfortunately for him his arm was grabbed by Taehyung who pulled him back saying "wait".

Once again Jimin rolled his eyes before turning around to face Taehyung "yes?" Jimin asked "are you sitting with anyone?" Taehyung responded "no..why?" Jimin asked.

"Then is it ok if we sit with you?" Hoseok asked he had figured that's what Taehyung had wanted to ask "umm.. sure I guess" Jimin said.

Hoseok and Taehyung's face's lit up at Jimin's words, smiles spread across their faces "thanks" they both said at the same time.

"So what's your name?" Hoseok asked as they began walking into the cafeteria "Jimin.. your is Hoseok right" Jimin said pulling out his phone.

"Yeah" Hoseok said "do you usually sit alone?" Taehyung asked as they got their food "yes.." Jimin said he held back a sighed that wanted to leave his lips.

"Do you always wear your sunglasses?" Taehyung asked "um.. yeah why?" Jimin asked "I'm just curious, I mean they look good on you but it will ruin your eyesight" Taehyung said.

"Do they actually look good on me?" Jimin asked his ears ignoring the part where Taehyung had said it would ruin his eyesight "yeah, have you not seen yourself?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course I have it's just that I didn't think it looked good on me" Jimin said "then why wear it?" Taehyung asked a frown covering his face.

"Uh... I just um... I thought it would go well with my outfit I didn't have time to look in the mirror today and when I wore it last week it didn't look that good" Jimin lied.

All Taehyung said was "oh"


Chapter one! What do you
guys think so far?

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