Jennifer Lawerence Quotes

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"Teenagers only have to focus on themselves - its not until we get older that we realize that other people exist."

"The internet to me is kind of like a black hole, and I never really go on it."

"When you don't have anybody to take care of you, then you could go both ways: You could do whatever you want, or you could take charge and be your own parent."

"I want to play a character I've never been before-a crazy serial killer like Charlize Theron in Monster. I'd love to have to shave my head."

"Eating is one of my favorite parts of the day."

"It's beautiful when you watch something good happen to somebody when it's well deserved."

"I'm a big believer in accepting yourself the way you are and not really worrying about it."

"I learned that you can't have any expectations with life. You never know what's going to happen."

"If you are going to do something that you have to lie about, don't do it, it's very simple."

"I'm not ready to own a place yet. I have the money, but I don't have the maturity."

"I never leave my house. Then I don't have to put a bra on, and I don't have to change my pants."

"When I'm not working, I am the laziest person. I can literally lie on a couch and watch television for 15 hours."

"Even as far back as when I started acting at 14, I know I've never considered failure."

"I had to learn how to chop wood actually - I don't think my dad would have let me go chop wood in the backyard growing up."

"If I don't have anything to do all day, I might not even put my pants on."

"I wish this was like Mean Girls and I could just break this up and throw it at all of you!" 

"I just went to the doctor today, I got a chest X-ray of my lungs and discovered that my breasts are uneven."    

"I'm a horrible dancer! I'm like a dad at prom. I look like Gumby getting electrocuted." 

"I'm the fastest pee-er ever. I'm famous for it."   

"Don't worry about the bitches in school — that could be a good motto, because you come across people like that throughout your life." 

"I never play characters that are like me because I'm a boring person. I wouldn't want to see me in a movie."   


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