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"With a positive attitude, you can be anything you want to be."

"I'm pretty confident in who I am. I know that for parents everywhere, it's my job to be a role model, and I'm going to do the best I possibly can."

"If you have a dream, don't let anyone take it away."

"Breathing in, breathing out, ain't that what it's all about. Living life crazy loud, like I have the right to."

"You have to take what you could get when you're getting started."

"We went through a hard time, and we had to turn to music as a means to putting food on the table. And we've been doing it ever since. No regrets either."

"When you get hard work you get success, and we put a lot of years into it."

"We got laughed at. My father was told that we would never make it. It's gradual, a growing process. It's not like it came overnight."

"I'm kind of lame. I prefer quiet evenings at home, hanging out with my family."

"We never thought we'd get this far, but we're here."

"Always believe that the impossible is always possible."

"Anybody can be a role model, anybody can."

"I get so mad about ex-boyfriends, but if a boy hurts me, I don't write a song about it. They don't deserve it!"

"I feel very proud to be Mexican. I didn't have the opportunity to learn Spanish when I was a girl, but ... it's never too late to get in touch with your roots."

"I'm very real, very sincere, and honest, and that's how I'll always be."

"Music is not a very stable business. You know it comes and it goes, and so does money. But your education stays with you for the rest of your life."

"The reason I'm really appreciative of everything that's going on around me is because of the fact that I never expected it, and I want to keep that attitude."

"All I need to do is try and do the best that I can do."

"You shouldn't care for somebody just because of the materialistic things that they have, and I'm a firm believer in that."

"What I don't like are arrogant people. We're all equal. I don't like it when a person assumes to be better."

"You shouldn't care for somebody just because of the materialistic things that they have, and I'm a firm believer in that."

"I eat anything, and I'm not preoccupied with my figure. The most important [thing] is that the people accept me for my music, not for physical appearances."

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