Mila Kunis

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"I think playing coy is silly. Speak your mind. If a man gets turned off, he's the wrong man."

"If you do put yourself out there and do things that are not safe, then you run the risk of being criticized for it."

"Confidence, not cockiness. Knowing who you are is confidence. Cockiness is knowing who you are and pushing it down everyone's throat."

"My goal in life is to enjoy what I do, and never to look back and say I wish I would have done that."

"I was really good at saying no. I decided I was just going to say yes to any opportunity that came, no matter how crazy. And it changed my life."

"If the bear were to make a racial comment, it would be more likely to get a laugh than if a person on stage were to make a racial comment."

 " I'm not boring to be around. Something will always happen."  

"I don't even have Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Why would I ever want to be viral when I'm not even on the Internet?"

"I don't believe in perfection. I don't think it exists."

"It saddens me how much fear we've instilled in ourselves."

"You always want to challenge yourself and work with people you respect. You can't always go by genres, but it's always fun to challenge yourself."

"I have this odd tendency to be really sarcastic when I'm uncomfortable and I don't really know why but it just comes out and it's come out since I was a child."

 " I am very much a creature of habit, and I have no life consistency. None."  

"I have a really sweet daughter. She wants to hug all the other kids. I didn't teach her to be sweet. It has nothing to do with me."

"I grew up incredibly poor and went to school and had a very average upbringing."

"I've never dated. I can say this honestly: I don't know what it's like to date. But also, how am I going to date? I'm not in one state long enough."

"I'd rather work to live than live to work."

"I really, truly believe in learning from other people's mistakes."

"I think the second you think that you're funny is when you stop being funny."

"What's funny about my group of friends is that none of us ever went to the same school. None of us lived in the same part of town."

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