Meghan Trainor

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"I dont consider myself a feminist, but Im down for my first opportunity to say something to the world to be so meaningful. If you asked me, What do you want to say? it would be, Love yourself more."

"I tried to go anorexic for a good three hours. I ate ice and celery, but that's not even anorexic. And I quit. I was like, 'Ma, can you make me a sandwich? Like, immediately.'"

"You know I won't be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll"

"Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."

"So let's take our time to say what we want. Use what we got before it's all gone."

"I haven't kissed a boy in forever."

"There's a lot of power in the word 'no,' and a lot of people, like myself, need to know that."

"I want to be better at being single, and I want to be better at feeling okay about being single. I don't need a boyfriend."

"It still hasn't kicked in yet. I haven't had a second to think about it. And I don't physically have the Grammy! So I can't even look at it!"

"I didn't know fashion or any of that until the label gave me a stylist."

"Now that I'm famous, guys don't hit on me."

"Everybody's born to be different, that's the one thing that makes us the same."

"Owning your curves means being confident - actually being confident - in your own skin."

"Art is the colors and textures of your imagination."

"If you asked me, 'What do you want to say?' it would be, 'Love yourself more.'"

"So let's take our time to say what we want. Use what we got before it's all gone."

"I cry for a lot of good things that happen. I cry a lot, okay?"

"I totally agree with equal rights and women's causes, and most of my songs are woman-power, but I don't want to be labelled at 20 years old."

"I grew up a chubby girl. I had two brothers. My parents loved us, they just fed us whatever we wanted."

"In high school, I didn't date awesome dudes."

"I've never been a die-hard fan, like a crazy fan for an artist."

"I like Ariana Grande's nice thigh-gap; she's got good legs."

"All my friends were cheerleaders, and I was the girl who hung out at home. I just worked on my music all the time."

"With social media, with Instagram and selfies and all these apps that are trying to make you look perfect... it's hard for girls to grow up nowadays with all that stuff."

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