Lea Michele

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"I love my onscreen frenemy, Dianna Agron! Having the opportunity to work so closely with her has been amazing."

"Uniqueness is what makes you the most beautiful."

"You don't need to look like everybody else. Love who you are."

"Confidence is what makes you stand out."

"I worried that people wouldn't like me. Now I try not to worry and focus on being happy."

"By showing that you don't have to lose yourself, maybe someone else will feel some sort of comfort."

"If you believe in yourself you can make yourself whatever you want to be."

"Find something you're passionate about and you know, do something."

"A lighthouse doesn't save the ships; it doesn't go out and rescue them, it's just this pillar that helps to guide people home."

"I always sing Adele in the shower. But everyone should know you never sing an Adele song in public because no one's better than Adele."

"I do have 14 tattoos, but I also do come home every single night and watch reality TV with my cat."

"I love being healthy. I get a lot of sleep. I'm a girl who eats. And I feel beautiful no matter how I look. I have my family to thank for that."

"I love being healthy. I get a lot of sleep. I'm a girl who eats. And I feel beautiful no matter how I look. I have my family to thank for that."

"But people are going to say what they want to say. I know who I am, and I'm not perfect."

"Film is an itch I have yet to scratch."

"Theatre just fills me up so much."

"I didn't know I could sing until I auditioned for 'Les Miserables.' My friend was auditioning, and I wanted to audition too."

"I need some me-time. I have to remember to rest, because I have a natural energy and I don't want to burn out."

"I don't go out to clubs. You'll never see me on a table at a bar, jumping up and down."

"I'm Italian and we curse a lot when we talk."

"Nobody should be entirely defined by one thing."

"I'd love to be able to play all different roles, whether it's Maureen in Rent or Maria in West Side Story. I would just love to be involved in this business forever."

"I love horses so much. Horses are my life."

"The only crush I have is on Chris Colfer. I'm madly in love with him... I just, like, I doodle in my prop notebooks, 'I heart Chris Colfer' over and over and over again."

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