Smosh Quotes

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Ian: "What, a book without pictures? What kind of freaking book is that?! "(Smosh vs Zombies)

Ian: "Great Zeus' butthole, what do we do man?!" (Smosh vs Zombies)

Anthony: "Man, I wanted to make fun of those stupid haired losers!" (Smosh vs Zombies)

Ian: "Haha, try to bang me now, BITCH!" (If Video Games Were Real 3)

Ian: "I'm a grown ass man, I can go McPoop wherever I McWant, McBitch!" (If Video Games Were Real 3)

Anthony: "We all know "choir practice" just means going poop in the McDonalds bathroom." Ian: "It just FEELS better, okay?! "

Ian: "How to craft girlfriend" (If Video Games Were Real)

Ian: ''Alright, Vladimir. I challenge you to poopy diaper!'' (MY MAIL ORDER BRIDE)

Ian: ''Siri, find me a Russian mail order bride.'' Siri: ''Did you mean Mail Order Bride, or Male Order Bride?''

Ian: ''F*ck barbershop pole, I don't even care if I'm related to him, f*ck that guy!'' (I LICK TURTLES)

Ian: ''I just realized that your Old Saint Nick song was very inappropriate. And totally accurate.'' (I LICK TURTLES)

Anthony *singing*: ''Up on the rooftop, old Saint Nick. He's gonna come down suck your d*ck.'' (I LICK TURTLES)

Anthony: ''Do these sunglasses make my eyes look fat?'' (I LICK TURTLES)

Anthony: ''Your mom says different things to me at night.'' (I LICK TURTLES)

Anthony: ''Just look at her butt, it's so hot! Just look at the pixel shading on her crack!'' (15 Hour Energy)

Ian: ''Oh man I feel like my heart's gonna explode and I'm gonna crap my pants IT'S SO AWESOME!'' (15 Hour Energy!)

Ian: ''Holy balls, THIS IS AWESOME!'' (15 HOUR ENERGY)

Anthony: "We got a report of someone with exploding diarrhea! Who is it?!" Ian: "IT'S YOUR WIFE!" (How To Be A Cop)

I: "We think it's been here for over a hundred thousand years" A: "Like a really old popsicle?" I:"Yes." A: "What flavor?"

Anthony: "UNICORN POWEEERRR!" (Food Battle 2011)

Ian: "Take me to the Grand Canyon!" Donut (GPS): "Did you say: Gary Coleman?" (Food Battle 2011)

Anthony: "Tell me how to get to my secret class that's totally not ballet." (Food Battle 2011)

I:"Then what the hell does GPS stand for?" A:"I don't know, it's just a cool combination of letters that don't mean anything, like USA."

Anthony: "Let's do a GPS!" Ian: "GPS...? Oh, Green Puke Socks?!" (Food Battle 2011)

Anthony: "Let's do.. the skissors!" Ian: "What?" A: "The skissors!" Ian: "Oooh, you mean the skis-órs?" (Food Battle 2011)

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