Karlie Kloss

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"Be patient. Be confident in yourself. Anything can happen if you really work at it. Never give up. It's corny, but never give up."

"I never imagined myself doing this. Doors opened for me and I ran for it."

"I want to encourage more young women to get involved in coding, because it's important for them to be able to help shape the future, and coding is the future."

"If you believe in yourself and feel confident in yourself, you can do anything. I really believe that."

"Girls are stronger in numbers. So yes, I believe girls should stick together whenever possible."

"I think that taking ballet is one of the best things a girl can do. Period."

"I always carry a camera because it is so important to me to take pictures and document all the incredible things and places I have been able to see through this experience."

"I have a notebook that is filled to the brim with my dreams and ideas and goals and aspirations."

"I guess I would say, it's okay to put things off until the very last minute as long as you know you've got them under control."

"What I enjoy most is that every day I get to play a new character."

"I loved everything about Spain - the people, the language, and the food!"

"I would love to rent a little cottage or cabin in Colorado and learn to ski or snowboard. And on the warmer side, I also want to rent a house in Hawaii and learn to surf!"

"You are physically up for scrutiny by everyone and you hear everyone's opinion."

"I love being a part of something so many people can relate to and enjoy."

"You learn to control every aspect of your muscles, your face, your toes, your fingernails. And that is how you tell a story, through movement."

"Holy cow, in the course of one week I feel like I've lived about a year!"

"My favorite place to eat is my grandma's kitchen. She makes a mean crab cake."

"You have to grow thick skin and that only comes with time and learning."

"Ballet really taught me so much about the power of movement."

"I love kids, so two things that I have thought about are being a pediatrician or a kindergarten teacher."

"I have gotten to travel the world and experience all these incredible things thanks to my career."

"My entire high school career - my entire school career - I've been like three feet taller than everyone in my grade."

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