Darren Criss

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"Buy my album because... it's the kind of music you can be friends with. And it's the only way that *pause* aliens won't come to Earth and destroy us. I am sure of this."

"People fall in love with a person, not a gender."

"That which makes you different is what makes you strong. Whether you're gay, straight, purple, orange, dinosaur; I don't care."

"My name's Darren. I'm a musician, part time idiot. That's a full time job actually."

"My biggest fear? My biggest fear would be turning into an inanimate object."

"There's nothing more badass than being who you are."

"Never let what is popular actually define your taste or interests."

"The power of a smile goes a long way. My mom taught me that."

"I don't believe in guilty pleasures. If I like it, I don't feel guilty about it."

"Its always important to recognize your situation and not take it for granted."

"No one's tried to stab me. That's cool. I enjoy not being stabbed."

"As a musician, I hear the harmonic value of everything - I just enjoy music."

"Glee is more then just a show now. It's become a wonderful culture celebrating the underdog and glorifying individuality."

"I always shoot for the moon in my work, so that I'm happy when I land on the roof."

"I've always loved fairytales, and I've loved the concept of, um, some of the best parts of a lot of stories are the beginning."

"Guys I'm kind of nutty, but you have to understand that that's all just me being myself."

"Chris Colfer... he's like a... playful wood-nymph."

"I want people to know that there is nothing more badass than being yourself."

"All my aunts in the Phillipines, they look at me and say 'Darreeeeeen! You so thin! Eat!'"

"The first time you do anything, people always take a minute to try to figure it out, but once you witness it in person, the word starts to spread and it gains momentum year after year."

"Be nice people, cause nobody likes an asshole."

"I mean, part of me would love to be a fat tenured professor of theater someday."

"Please don't kill me, I'm nice."

"When you're an artist, you have to hope for everything and expect nothing."

"I would be the worst president in the history of the United States. Unless you want the apocalypse to happen really soon then yes, I'll run for president."

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