Troye Sivan Quotes

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"I'm on the path to being someone I'm equally terrified by and obsessed with. My true self."

"I feel like part of getting better at writing is knowing where to find that inspiration. Right after something happens to me, the first thing I'll do is go write when those feelings are really, really fresh."

"I share every aspects of my life with the internet. Whether or not that's a good thing, I don't know."

"I've definitely always had a passion for entertaining."

"When I was born, I always knew something was a little bit different about me."

"I feel like I have just been really, really lucky to meet some of the most successful and great actors alive today."

"I have a majority girl audience on YouTube."

"People think I must have pushy parents, but that's not the case."

"No one notices I'm breaking inside."

"I'm angry because homophobia is still a thing..."

"Sharing is caring, but I don't care."

"If I want to be remembered as anything in this life it's just 'nice'.I feel like being nice to others is the coolest thing anyone can be."

"I love you as much as I love Nutella."

"You're all beautiful. And you shouldn't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Sleeping like an internet person takes commitment, it all starts in the late afternoon."

"I genuinely love you all and the fact that some of you are not feeling so great at the moment really really upsets me."

"Life is chances that are taken. But nothing's ever broken. They're just pieces on the ground. New hands need to build them."

"Okay I just ordered a second dinner up to my room at 1am okay."

"My mum is running around the house screaming 'TROYE'S GETTING MARRIED' ma please"

"I have so much to do therefore I'm going to lay on the floor for a very long time."

"Put down your laptop and pick up your phone."

"I call it looking from afar and they call it stalking."

"I'm the type of person who listens to like sad music when I'm sad to feel sadder, and to feel sorry for myself."

"There are people in the world who 1,000% will love you just the way you are. So no matter what, keep that in mind."

"The thing that I really want to try and do is just live my life really openly and honestly. I think there's so much power in that, as simple as it is."

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