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"Until you're ready to look foolish, you'll never have the possibility of being great."

"A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones."

"The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing - and then marry him."

"I can trust my friends These people force me to examine myself, encourage me to grow."

"Women have to harness their power - its absolutely true. It's just learning not to take the first no. And if you can't go straight ahead, you go around the corner."

"Husbands are like fires - they go out when they're left unattended."

"I only answer to two people, myself and God."

"If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life."

"Men should be like Kleenex, soft, strong and disposable."

 "All of us invent ourselves. Some of us just have more imagination than others." 

 "I love ghosts; I prefer ghosts to some people." 

"Hate crimes are the scariest thing in the world because these people really believe what they're doing is right."

"For someone who likes tattoos, the most precious thing is bare skin."

"Life is about enjoying yourself and having a good time."

"The only thing in the world you can change is yourself and that makes all the difference in the world."

"Women have to harness their power - it's absolutely true. It's just learning not to take the first no. And if you can't go straight ahead, you go around the corner."

"Donald Trump can't come up with a hairstyle that looks human, how can he come up with a plan to defeat ISIS."

"Words are like weapons; they wound sometimes."

"Some guy said to me: Don't you think you're too old to sing rock n' roll? I said: You'd better check with Mick Jagger."

"If you really want something you can figure out how to make it happen."

"I don't need a man. But I'm happier with one. I like to have someone I can touch and squeeze and kiss. But I don't fold up and die if I don't have a man around."

"I have a belief: What belongs to you, comes to you."

"I think that the longer I look good, the better gay men feel."

"I am a part of history whether people want to take it seriously or not."

"I've had so many rebirths, I should come with my own midwife by now."



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