JC Caylen Quotes

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"You can't disagree, you can agree. Uh, I don't really care or give a fuck."

"Everyone has their own opinion. That's the freaking beauty of this whole world, life thing. "

"Just know, I'm gonna be here every Thursday. Even though my videos are kinda late sometimes, I'm here."

"Once you're in the good, you're gonna be here. And you're gonna be like 'Yo, I overcame that shit and now I'm here.'"

"I want people to know that there's gonna be a bad part in your life and you have to overcome it to get to the good."

"It's like this awesome, bad ass, good vibe circle of life."

"My job is to make people happy. And the people that I make happy, make me happy."

"Now that I'm here, all I wanna do is get better. I wanna be the best I can be."

"You know, I was there and now I'm here. I have things that I would've never thought I would have and it's just crazy."

"That's why I get excited over new things, because I didn't have much when I was smaller and my parents could only do so much."

"I feel I overcame something pretty great."

"Now, I'm out here and it's beautiful. I love California. I love the weather, I love the lifestyle."

"I love the idea of being spontaneous. I love the idea of taking a risk. If it doesn't work, it wasn't meant to be."

"I want to move to California; pursue something that I have no idea what I'm gonna get into, but that's what drove me here."

"You know, we started OurSecondLife and I picked up on my channel and started doing vlogs. I started going to conventions."

"I kinda just picked YouTube back up and remembered how much I loved it."

"There would be some days where I'd be so depressed because I felt like I wasn't going anywhere and it was a circle of.. shit."

"That little phase, I felt so alone. I felt like I didn't have any happiness. I felt like I couldn't talk to anybody."

"It's honestly crazy, because sometimes you have to step back and you think, 'How did I end up here?'"

"It was just this shitty circle of life. I didn't know what I was doing with anything."

"My parents supported me as much as they could and I couldn't ask for anything more."

"I used YouTube as kind of a break from reality, in a way."

"The point is, I stuck with what I love to do. I used YouTube as a stress reliever, I used YouTube as a getaway."

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