Jessie J Quotes

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"Never expect, never presume, always work hard and always be true to who you are."

"We all make mistakes. It's human. Just learn from them. Repeating them and being aware of it is the dangerous bit."

"The people who really love and care about you will always surface in time and stay in your life. Always."

"Trust Me. Life is not worth living feeling sad and down and lonely. Always be true to who you are."

"The rollercoaster has its ups and downs, loops and twists but enjoy the ride. We are all on it together."

"Do good. Inspire. Set an example to yourself and others. Have faith. Make your actions loud. Have fun. Be nice. Love strong."

"Life isn't about winning, it's about learning if you lose."

"The journey is more important than where you end up."

"Live your dreams everyday or someone else will for you..."

"Don't live for other people. Live for yourself!!"

"Life is so precious. Its so important to make the most of it and love it."  

"The media should not be allowed to write untrue articles. If no one ever says anything, it will NEVER change."

"We have to stand up for what we believe in."

"Be good. Do good. Feel good."

"Girls be yourself around someone you fancy. Simple. If they don't like you for you. "Ain't nobody got time for that" 

"Every snowflake is someone thinking of you"

"Everyone deserves and needs private time... Everyone." 

"Don't live in fear. But don't live in denial. Live on the edge but don't fall off"

"Have you ever nearly lost your mind? Then realized it was a waste of time, thinking about all the things you can't control."

"Ain't it funny how we're all afraid? That tomorrow everything could change. We forget we gotta just enjoy the night." 

"Do what makes you feel good. Remind yourself of what you're good at and make sure you do that."

"I'm glad I've had to struggle. It's made me the artist I am now."

"It's ok not to be ok. Just be true to who you are."

"Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising, Just be true to who you are."

"Being bullied means you're special and that's what I want all kids to know."

"The best gift a fan could give me is undeniable support."

"I wasn't always someone who was talented. It was more that I was loud and loved a challenge."

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