Coco Chanel Quotes

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"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."

"Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door."

"Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman."

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."

"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance."

"I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all."

"Fashion changes, but style endures."

"My life didn't please me, so I created my life."

"If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing."

"As long as you know men are like children, you know everything!"

"There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time."

"The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you."

"Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony."

"Youth is something very new: twenty years ago no one mentioned it."

"Jump out the window if you are the object of passion. Flee it if you feel it. Passion goes, boredom remains."

"Nothing goes out of fashion sooner than a long dress with a very low neck."

"Strength is built by one's failures, not by one's successes."

"Be classy. Anything but trashy."

"A woman needs independence, not equality. In most cases, equality is a step down."

"A woman is only as good as the peace and light she radiates."

"The worse a woman feels, the better should she look."

"You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life."

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."

"Keep your heels, head & standards high!"

"To achieve great things, we must first dream."

"Nothing is more beautiful than freedom of the body."

"There are rich people, and there are those who have money. They are not the same people."

"Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable."

"A women who doesn't wear perfume has no future."

"Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity."

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