Connor Franta Quotes

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"Race, gender, religion, sexuality, we are all people and that's it. We're all people. We're all equal."

"I would rather have 1 amazing best friend than 100 decent regular friends. It's not about quantity, it's about quality."

"Friends are not a number. You can't collect connections. You can't just go out one day and be like, "Hey, I need some friends!" *goes shopping, scours social media*"

"My childhood home was a large, light-blue, two-story house with a big front yard to play in."

"People always said I got a way with words, but when it comes to you I don't know what to say."

"Be the best you that you can be."

"The sun looks different from when it rises to when it sets."

"Get out of your phineas and live your life"

"I'm white and I'm common... Gosh"

"Farting. Everyone does it. But it's not appropriate all the time."

"I feel like our generation is just so obsessed with the idea of perfection and we don't need to be."

"Move at your own pace, don't be afraid - and know that it's going to be okay."

"Question: Why does life have to feel like such a struggle at times? Answer: Because without the struggle, the triumphs wouldn't taste as sweet."

"I don't want anyone to be afraid. I don't anyone to hold back who they are."

"I love how pop culture shapes a generation. The trends, fashion and events all play a key part in how we live our present lives, and will mark how we will be remembered in the future."

"Who are you? Answer; you are who you are in this given moment. Label-less. Limitless. Remember that from this day forward."

"I don't want anyone to hold back who they are. It's not okay... it's not a good thing"

"Worry is the interest on a debt that may never become payable."

"We cannot do everything; we cannot be everywhere. If you want to have a good time, make it a good time!"

"Life is always going to keep us guessing; often it throws us for a complete loop."

"So know what you like, know what makes you happy, stick with your guns, and state it with confidence."

"So, yes, life has its ups and downs. But those who learn to climb out of the downs and reach the ups will prosper."

"Gender is specific only to your reproductive organs (and sometimes not even those), not your interests, likes, dislikes, goals, and ambitions."

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