Lenny Kravitz

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"Love , creativity, and opportunity is in the air. Take it in and do your thing."

"You're never promised your next breath."

"There's certain things in life that I love. One is architecture. And music, culture, food, people. New Orleans has all of that."

"The idea of having to conform to someone else's ideal is unacceptable. I'm gonna be me. And if I can't be me, then I'd rather not do it."

"Being free is a state of mind."

"Love is the most powerful energy there is."

"We weren't put here to be miserable. We were put here to do the best we can, and we should take our energy and improve our state of being."

"I am not trying to change the world. I am just offering my gift that God gave me, and if somebody is moved by it, that's beautiful."

"Music is my life, it is a reflection of what I go through."

"My life is perfect because I accept it as it is."

"My dream is to become a farmer. Just a Bohemian guy pulling up his own sweet potatoes for dinner."

"Things that would shock us years ago are like nothing now."

"When I'm making my music, I'm writing it, I'm producing it, I'm playing all the instruments, I'm performing. It's my own world where I do what I feel, and nobody tells me anything."

"Confusion makes people uncomfortable. They can't put their finger on me."

"I don't pull, I just receive."

"It was amazing to me that, all of a sudden, I was hearing my music on the radio and coming out of cars."

"Change is growth. For me it has been a very spiritual and musical rebirth."

"If you listen to a lot of old funk records, the drums are really small. But you don't perceive it like that because the groove is so heavy."

"God is love and if you are ready, he always is."

"If you ask a hundred people, they all give you different answers."

"We should take time out to really love; we should take time out to find out who we are."

"I'm a very open and loving person. My whole thing has been "let love rule" since my first album. I'm about unity and peace and God."

"I was taught by my grandfather that anything that your mind can conceive, you can have. It's a reality."

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