Drake Bell Quotes

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"I love the atmosphere at the mall - everything about Christmas. I don't think anything specific gets me in the holiday spirit except for the holidays themselves."

"I wake up in the morning, walk downstairs, and just bang on the piano and write about what's going on in the world around me."

"I'm totally the 'decorate early, start listening to Christmas songs super early' guy. I've just always been that way."

"The fans are especially amazing in Mexico. You look out your window, and there are fans that stay out there all night long."

"With a good melody... music gets me through everything."

"I am 'Mr. Karaoke Guy' in the car completely. I just go with it and don't care what anyone else thinks - I'm singing, man!"

"I started playing the guitar and singing at about 11 or 12."

"Most of the people who watch the show gravitate toward the music, ... A lot of the kids dig that."

"I grew up on old music. I'm just not really into the new stuff."

"Everyone is going to love it. It's not just a kid movie. It has romance between Helen and Frank, comedy from the younger kids, a love triangle between the teenagers. It's very broad."

"My character on Drake & Josh is way too cool to be me. He's much smoother with the ladies."

"They're wholesome, and really actually funny. It's not like you turn it on and it's kids throwing pies in each other's faces. There's actually validity to the work."

"When we won for best kids show, we wanted to go out and celebrate."

Drake: "Do you want to be honest, or do you want a girlfriend?"Josh: "Girlfriend, please."

"Good luck with Kathy. Remember, she's just a person. I mean girls are just guys without... Just do good"

"With a good melody... music gets me through everything."

"I've been to a lot of places while touring, but I'd have to say Switzerland was my favorite."

"A lot of the people I'd love to work with, like John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, aren't alive, unfortunately."

"A lot of who I am is in the work I do."

"Artists like Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga have more sway over popular minds than a politician."

"Dealing with sketch comedy and buddy teams like Abbott and Costello, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby - I just loved buddy comedies."

"I don't eat sushi, but I eat cooked meat."

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