Ryan Reynolds

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"Mathematically speaking, it seems impossible that there isn't life out our planet. If you flick on the news, it certainly seems like we have aliens among us."

"A producer is someone who actually calls the shots. An executive producer is just a guy that eats more food at craft service."

"Laughing can serve you in dark moments and even help you crawl your way back out."

"Everyone thinks their baby is a genius. People find it delightfully refreshing when I tell them, My baby? Totally average. Like, 100 percent average."

"Every time I hangout with Sandra Bullock I think I want to be her. I want to be married to Jesse James."

"I dragged my wife from our honeymoon in Africa and landed her in Ontario, Canada, when it was -40 degrees,"

"I don't expect success. I prepare for it."

"When you're growing up in a family without a lot of money and four boys, it can't always be, 'Let's go see a specialist, see if you're okay.' If you got hurt, you just walked it off."

"Are you stalking me? Because that would be super."

"There's an old saying that you don't ever finish a movie, you abandon it, and I really believe that. I never walk away from a take and pat myself on the back."

"I just love bikes. It's not the safest passion to have, but I guess it's better than Russian roulette."

"I've done things to my body, mechanically, that I'll never do again. I've done stunts that I shouldn't have done 10, 11, 12 times. I've broken a ton of bones on sets."

"There are so few surprises left in life. We've gotten so addicted to knowing. It's the Google generation. We want the answer to everything right now!"

"If it weren't so off-putting for my co-workers. I'd wear my flannel, one-piece 'Hannah Montana' pajamas, like, all the time!"

"Guys are lucky: We can wear a suit over and over, just with different shirts and ties."

"My father was swallowed alive by his own anus. It was a terrible way to go."

"I never took acting classes, but I knew I could do it based on the skill with which I lied to my parents on a regular basis!"

"I see guys with, like, eyebrow art, and I wanna tell them, 'You don't have to go too crazy on your brows. Take it easy, man!"

"People have their complexities. They have their heroic moments and their villainous moments, too."

"Religion poisons everything good in this world."

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