Octavia Spencer

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"The way to bring about change is to be proactive and active."

"To be silent is to be passive."

"I just know that the one thing that we all have in common is challenges. No one lives a challenge free life."

"The things that scare you only make you better and stronger."

"One thing I've learned is be comfortable in your skin, and more importantly, be comfortable in your shoes."

"I really believe things happen as they're supposed to and in the time that they're supposed to."

"I can only live in my truth."

"My job as an artist is to present the material. My job as a woman is to receive from it what I need."

"You have to create your own path and I'm up to the challenge."

"Let's just say that I have a tendency if I am uncomfortable in a situation to speak my mind."

"I'm not trying to be a different weight. I want to be a different body type so that I'm not an apple. I just want to be a pear!"

"I gotta go home and feed my eels. They're not electric, but I have a plan."

"I hope that in some way that I can be some sort of beacon of hope, especially because I am not the typical Hollywood beauty."

"Because we all come from different circumstances, our life experiences really color how we view things."

"I'll say that I don't think you can throw a stone and not come in contact with someone who knows someone or has problems with substance abuse."

"There is one thing about knowing history, and another in recreating it."

"Only when you find the courage to say something to someone that might influence a change in your behavior, does that behavior change."

"I prefer doing interviews where people don't have to interpret what you say. I'm going to be real honest."

"I have experienced loss in my life, but the thing that brings you back is your faith."

"For me, when you have to prepare to play God, and then walking away from that, you realize just how tough God's job is. I don't want that job."

"Even in my music, I am always searching for big, universal things - ways that you can sort of reach outside the norm of what you are doing."

"Our challenges make us unique, and how we deal with them makes us unique."

"My faith is tested daily."

"Where I'm from, you learned about God before you learned to read and write. Our faith is what grounds us."

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