Kristin Chenoweth

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"If you can learn to love yourself and all the flaws, you can love other people so much better. And that makes you so happy."

"Make no mistake, I am a Christian and I believe in God and I don't believe he makes mistakes, so I believe that being gay is not a sin and in fact it's how you're made."

"I wish my Google was faster."

"You will have the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, just remember to always handle yourself with grace and dignity."

"I'm constantly learning, and that is the greatest gift of life in my opinion - to always be learning and growing."

"There's a difference between making fun of something and having fun with something."

"Laughter is life-giving. It makes you breathe."

"I love live theater; I like the relationship between the show and the audience. That's my comfort zone, but more than anything, it's what makes me happy."

"But there's the beauty of life beyond the bubble. It's possible for someone to see your wicked bits and still love you."

"I would love to make an album full of ballads. For a listener, I want to have variety on there."

"As much as you can eat healthy, it's also important to remember to drink healthy too. Tea is very healing."

"I'm sick of people who've never been to church telling me that church is full of hypocrites, and people who've never read the Bible telling me that it's baloney."

"I get joy, and actually, a high... by putting a quarter in a meter."

"I think, for me, I have to remember that I'm telling a story in some way."

"Making fun of anyone's size, height, scarring, anything like that equals dumb."

"I think it's important to remember that Christianity was based in love and tolerance and forgiveness and acceptance."

"Apples, grapes... any kind of fruit gives me the energy I need to get through my busy day."

"I think it's fun to love-to-hate people."

"They had me all happy, singing. It was very awkward. I think the writers are frantically planning something appropriate to honor him, but we don't know what."

"I don't understand what the big deal is with gay marriage. Get over it, people."

"Oatmeal tastes so good on its own, you don't even need to add sugar."

"Some relationships aren't meant to be Great Love; they're meant to be like a hot fudge sundae--enjoyable but not something you can actually live on."

"I'm kind of a weirdo; I love prison movies and war movies."

Famous QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora