Rachel Berry

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 "You may laugh because every time I sign my name I put a gold star after it, but it's a metaphor, and metaphors are important. My gold stars are a metaphor for ME being a star."

"Look, I know what I'm talking about! I won my first dance competition when I was three months old!"

"Girls want sex just as much as guys do!"

"Can I use the auditorium later to practice? Our neighbors are filing a lawsuit."

"I thought I made it very clear that anything from West Side Story goes to me."

"I'm still getting my lipstick flushed down the toilet. I still don't have a boyfriend. Tina's great, but why should you have to hurt me to make her feel good?"

"Do I have to put my fingers in the holes? Couldn't there be diseases in there or something?"

"We were just taking a lesson from Major League Baseball. It's not cheating if everyone does it."

"Fellow Glee Clubbers, it would be an honor to show you how a real storm-out is done. I encourage you to follow my lead."

"My family is fully committed to take-out."

"Maybe one of these days you'll find a way to create "teaching moments" without ruining my life."

 "I insist on only being shot from my left side."

"School pictures are everything to me. They're great practice for the paparazzi."

"It will be the kind of heartbreak that girls like me hold for the rest of their lives. Like Barbra in "The Way We Were."

"I know being my boyfriend is a challenge. I'm not Quinn. I'm not pretty like her, I'm not popular and my personality, though exciting and full of surprises, isn't exactly low-maintenance."

"I've never told you this before, but I'm a little psychic. I can't read minds or anything yet, but I do have a sixth sense."  

"Most girls would be upset about getting slapped in the face, but I happen to appreciate the drama of it."

"Whether it's a heart attack or a heartbreak, the show must go on." 

"My whole life I've been looking to be a part of something special, to feel special, but the truth is that I am special."

"That's what all great artists do. They expose themselves."

"The guy did seem crazy, he charged my credit card by swiping it through his butt crack."

"I'm perfectly capable of accessing my pain. I cry every time I sing a solo."

"Being thrown up on, it just does something to a person."


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