Ashton Irwin Quotes

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"I can't really explain what it's like to be in love, but I feel like it's being comfortable. It's almost like having a best friend. It's a beautiful thing."

"Growing older, you respect the whole culture behind Nirvana."

"People ask, 'Why is it called 5 Seconds of Summer when there's four of you?"

"I was a Green Day guy because the first DVD I bought was Green Day's 'Bullet In A Bible,' the live album. That really empowered me to be not just a drummer but a performer. It's a really crucial part of why I wanted to be in a band."

"I always wanted to be in a band with a bunch of dudes who loved Green Day and all that."

"I look up to a lot of old school drummers from the '70s, '80s, and '90s."

"I love how Duran Duran had the female fan , then it grew until males started to like them, too."

"I sleep with my socks on sometimes."

"I was acting for years before the band, so I would like to get into that again."

"I'm a big fan of rocky girls. I love Hayley Williams and the lead singer from Tonight Alive."

"It would be a bit awkward to be with a girlfriend who didn't love what you do."

"It's a bonus if your girlfriend likes your music- definitely not a downfall."

"It's fun when you're confusing people."

"Nirvana is next level. The songs are really cool to connect with on a more mature level, and I don't think I really understand that when I was 15."

"Pete Wentz was the Justin Bieber of 2007. Girls loved him; they obsessed over him."

"Were the Rolling Stones good looking? Well, Jagger was, but the rest of the dudes? Maybe not so much."

"Some people are sass monsters on twitter. Like honey, you need to chill."

"I am allergic to cats, the cat in 'Don't Stop' was actually a very small fury human."

"Wearing green underwear today, I feel like a frog."

"I also dress up as a sexy fairy."

"Calum literally proposed to me when he asked me to be in the band. He got down on one knee. It was really romantic."

"I wouldn't like to kiss a kiwi fruit."

"Apparently I had a boner in the acceptance video..."

"Remember kids: Don't get emotionally attached to a band. You'll get pregnant and die."

"Do I look like I know how to twerk? I'm a small blonde boy."

"This morning I ate a huge omlette and I don't even like eggs."

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