Vol. 4 CH. 0 - Prologue

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Vol. 4 CH. 0 – Prologue


The connection between Ambrosia, Paracellumn and Travestin was established. On the two terminal points of two different kingdoms, bustling crowd crowded the stores made the Demon Spawns they once hate.

Inside Travestin, the once known as slums district was changed to a functional trading hub within the city. The tall market building were built easily by the worker golems and dwarves in just a few days while the stores were tended by the Humans with black hair and eyes merchants.

It only has been a few days since Kyoushiro had created the terminal in Travestin, yet most of the commoners in the city were pushing themselves just to get inside one towering building. It was no joke. Even the [Gate] was filled with people trying to enter Ambrosia as quickly as possible.

Everyone already knows that Ambrosia was a safer Haven compared Travestin and other nations but they didn't expect an other world to appear before then once they get to Ambrosia's exchange district.

Inside one large city where many people were walking by and a systematic traffic was created for the sake of transport. Naturally, one would need to pay a toll just to enter Ambrosia but it wasn't so high that people can't pass through.

And so, as the [Gates] were created, there were now many people travelling in between Paracellumn and Travestin. Elves and humans, Demi-humans and Dwarves. All of the races were walking in crowded streets just to see the place where a single hero had been called a king.

"It's a pain in the neck but I still need to visit some places"

Kyoushiro was getting ready to leave Travestin after spending some days with his family. Lucinda was carrying Clara in her arms while Kyoushiro was like a father leaving for work. The only difference was that, he wasn't wearing a suit and tie but a dark grey colored overcoat with black and silver linings.

Kyoushiro was reluctant to leave Lucinda in Travestin but as she was going to be officially Queen of Travestin, she had to stay. Naturally, Kyoushiro wasn't so cold hearted to take away Clara from Lucinda. Kyoushiro decided to leave her in Lucinda's care.

"I'll be fine here now Kyoushiro-sama. I know you are still busy, you are a hero after all"

"Ugh.... I can still leave the world on it's own and stay right?"

When Kyoushiro said that, Lucinda shook her head. She didn't liked the idea of Kyoushiro being bound in one place. After all, he has things to do as a hero in this world.

"You can't. Kyoushiro-sama, didn't you already promise to visit the other kingdoms in other to connect with then?"

"I don't plan on connecting with them, I just sent them some gifts of gratitude that's all. Oceanus is the last stop but I got invited by the Dwarf king and even the Beast King"

There were extras that Kyoushiro didn't wanted to think about. After all, most of them had their own heroes to protect their kingdom. There was no way they would need Kyoushiro's help.

"I'm sure you'll do great"

"Why do I feel like a husband leaving for work......"

Kyoushiro sighed as he turned around to leave the throne room. The nobles were thankful that Kyoushiro didn't killed them for doing a lousy job in keeping Lucinda safe. King Verdik and Queen Isabelle were glad that Kyoushiro was willing to cooperate with them in further protecting the lands that are being attacked by monsters.

An issue of joint training between Elven soldiers, Black Army soldiers and Travestin soldiers was made for the sake of training the ones that will be protecting the powerless civilians from monster attacks.

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