Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - A new world, a cursed power and the cursed color.....

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Part 1#

Ugh...... My body feels so heavy.... Like being fatigued too much that the body itself began to lose its strength. I remember the first time I felt this lethargic. I think it was around that time I got part-time jobs too much and completely collapsed due to over exertion and exhaustion. I also got admitted due to being anaemic because of overworking. In the end I quit those jobs and focused on a single one instead.

Ah.... this is no time to think about those things.....

I opened my heavy eyelids and forced my lethargic body to sit up straight. Then, as my vision slowly returns, I saw things with my own eyes. Brick walls covered with moss, torches hanged on the wall illuminating the massive room me, no, and we were in. The ceiling was shaped like a dome with various markings carved on it. Those were....... the same things that appeared earlier in the classroom... I wonder what those are.....

"H-Heroes!! This world needs your help so pl---aaahh!!!? A d-demon spawn has entered!!!?"

Around to my right was a man in weird clothing, trying to beg for help but screamed when he saw me. Saying like I'm a demon spawn or something. Though I don't know what that is, he is extremely rude. Still, his face was dyed in fear. His screams were heard by men in knight armours and went and charged against me. Halberds were pointed against my throat. I felt chills run down my spine as if telling me that the situation was dangerous for me to move.

The other students that were dragged along to this unknown place all started to woke up due to the noise the knight armour -wearing men.

"O-Oi!!! What are you guys doing?!!! Where is this!!? Where am I?!!"

Oh? It seems that my classmate, Kazuki Makuro woke up as well. His dishevelled orange blonde hair was swaying around as was panicking, trying move into a corner. The other students were waking up as well.... However it seems that they were in the same state as I was earlier. Am I this weird one since I'm still calm despite having sharp halberds pointed at me?

Later, the ones that woke up panicked as well and threw quite a fit that the soldiers were unable to do something to calm them down. But, my teacher calmed them down.

Shizuka Inomiri, she has black hair and wore glasses. A strict and well organized person as well. She's young compared to the other teachers back at school. Also, Inomiri-sensei is our new teacher since the previous one got fired due to having sexual relations with his students. The students of that time changed schools as well so the news about didn't quite spread much.

It was back at my first year in school as well so I hardly, even remember their faces.

Quite some time passed and those who fell asleep after their tantrum where taken straight to their rooms. The ones that were still fine after that was me, Inomiri-sensei, Todoroki-san and few of the classmates that didn't threw a fit. We were led through the large halls of the bricked walled building. If this were the medieval times, I think it'd be called 'castle's right?

I don't quite understand but the soldiers leading us to some place were very wary of me. Whenever I tried to do something, they always raised their weapons against me. Because of that I was really tired of not doing anything besides walking. Who would've thought that I'd that tired just by not moving?

I doesn't matter so I'll leave it be for now.

"We have arrived"

Heh~ that some big door. There were guards standing beside it when we arrived. Further, the man leading us pushed the huge door with his thin arms. Eh? It didn't even touch so why did it move? Earlier, I felt some kind of wind when he pushed that door, I wonder what it is. I heard strange murmurs from my classmates in the back, saying "Ah!! It's wind magic!!" and magic exist in this world!!"

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