Vol. 3 CH. 7 - The Teacher arrives first.....

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Vol. 3 CH. 7 - The Teacher arrives first.....


"What's up with this place?!"

Prince Roderick shouted as he cut down an Orc Warrior with his sword. Thick red blood spew from the opened wound on the large Orc's neck and rained down on the white plated armor of Prince Roderick.

"Please just hang in there your Highness!!"

Albert Myunella Rafon burned several number of orc riders running around him with a large fire attack from his grand magic spell «Blades of Flames».

Red hot blades of fire cut through the bodies of both the large Breaker wolves and Orc riders together. Both stench of burning hair and meat spread across the area.

Albert frowned from the foul stenched but he did not forgot to aid prince Roderick, who were being attacked by Orc warriors. The comparable size between a human and a near three meter orc was huge.

What's more, the strength between the two was castle different. Prince Roderick was having troubles executing his sword skills as the difference in reach prevents him from even landing a fatal blow.

They were supposed to reached a small town near the borders but they ended up entering an Orc settlement that had grew to a size of a city.

Standing behind the hundred of orc soldiers, orc warriors, orc archers and orc mages was the Orc king himself. A five meter tall giant with four protruding tusk coming out from his lower jaw. Its fat neck had a necklace of human skulls hanged around it and on its right hand was a large dark red axe that was probably drenched with human blood.

"Kh!? Burn ablaze and turn to cinders!! — «Flame vortex»!!"

Albert cast another spell with wide ranged and turned nearly ten orc soldiers on his right side into bunch of burned corpses.

"Hah....hah.....hah.... Just what happened in this place?!"

Albert cried loudly and sent flame lances, wind blades, Ice spears, earth bullets and all sorts of spells towards the enemies. Not one orc got near him but it was very obvious that the Orcs were just waiting for him to get exhausted.

Truthfully, Albert was reaching his limit right now. If had known this would happen, he would have brought more bottles of magic restorative potions before he left the magic academy.

They were being outnumbered right now"

"Thankfully, our lady Inomiri-sama still stands"

Albert glanced at the woman who was hovering in the sky, dodging arrows and spells from the enemy orc. Five swords of light were hovering around her and each time she swung her arms, the swords moves wildly and slice through the orcs like their made of straws.

At times she blew back the arrows using a high rank wind spell «Whirlwind Storm» both now through the enemies and send son support to Albert and Prince Roderick.

The soldiers that came with them were done for a longtime ago.

It was unfortunate but they lived their lives protecting the Prince till their last breath.

"!? That's...."

"Tsk! Not now!"

Albert and Prince Roderick shouted as they saw the Orc king walking through his subjects while holding his large axe.

This wasn't the right time. Albert and Prince Roderick were already at their limits.

"Albert! Roderick!"

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