Vol. 2 CH. 8 - The 4 Honest Generals...

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Vol. 2 CH. 8 - The 4 Honest Generals...

PART # 1

As the two captives returned to their senses, they saw the figure of a man with deep black hair and eyes. He was wearing a white coat and held a longsword on his waist. The young man's face was like that of a murderous beast yet still retained its human properties. Sweat ran down their bodies as they saw a long needles in between the young man's fingers, it seems that they were caught by someone...

The last memories they had was that they were shot by someone using a bow and arrow. Although the wounds were shallow and could be patched up using bandages and stiches, the wound still stung like hell.

One of the captives tried to move but looked like they were bound down on a chair using a thick rope. There were no trees around and only walls made of dirt. Were they taken to someplace else? Was the young man in front of them was the culprit that shot those arrows? Who is he? Where is this place?

One of the captives tried to raise their voice but they could only groan. They were unable to speak due to some kind of spell or poison. Were they paralyzed? There were no damages except for the arrows lodged on their shoulders.

Just was what happening? Such questions came one after the other as they tried to grasp the situation around them. However, the young man before them gave them no answer...


The young man just stabbed one of those 12 inch needles in his thigh. The force bore the needle through his muscles and pierced through his bone before exiting through the chair. Extreme pain rushed through his head as he began to thrash around. But there was still no voice, he could only groan...


"Humph, looks like the special serum is working well. You can't talk unless you can tell the truth so make sure to speak honestly alright?"

The young man uttered so with a smile. The needle was still in the man's thigh and the young man was still holding the other end. Seeing that this was a no ordinary situation where he could bargain, the man nodded.

The young man, Kyoushiro Kagami, let go of the needle and took a step back.

"It's good to honest. Well, I don't really care whether you lie or not but you'll die if you tell a lie so be careful"

Kyoushiro warned the man before him. The man weakly nodded at Kyoushiro's terrifying warning. The one beside him was already panicking.

"Alright, first question.... What is inside that base of yours?"

Kyoushiro gave the first question. Knowing that lying would just end up killing them the man couldn't give an answer that would mean his death. It was already too late to consider the wrath of his boss, Ernest Vern, right now the man value his own life over a base filled with sick freaks.

"I-It holds captive women that copulate with monsters and bandits all night and day... Increasing the amount of mix breed of monster-human race"

"Eh? I can talk?" The man was surprised that words were able to escape from his mouth. It seems that the serum prevents one from speaking unless questioned. If he lied, he would die. There was no point in thinking about of lying at all. There was no way in hell he would die in a place like this after all.

Kyoushiro nodded and prodded the other man the same question. But as the man showed foamed from his mouth and his whole body convulsed until the veins allover his body showed up and popped one by one, it seems that he lied.

Kyoushiro sighed and simply kicked the corpse and let it fall on the ground. As the body fell on the ground with a heavy impact, the corpse suddenly burst; staining both ceiling and floor with its blood and chunks.

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