Vol. 4 CH. 11 - The truth of his being

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Vol. 4 CH. 11 – The truth of his being


There were things that should and should not be done while one own's temper is at it's peak. The action done while being mad is disastrous and shouldn't be tolerated by any means. What displayed during the parade was what something Kyoushiro had no control over. Indeed, the man's insistent of asking Kyoushiro to do his work as a hero was annoying but it wasn't enough to kill another man because of it.

Well, the reason for that was because the person who threw a rock at Lucinda was the one at fault himself. He should have considered his actions from the beginning and hesitated to throw a rock at a royalty. Much less at the wife of the man who was blessed the Goddess of Creation herself.

Anyways, under the moonlit night, at the veranda of the tallest tower of Ambrosia, bright colors sparked. Blue symmetrical lines intersected, formed a shape and created an object. The materials which Kyoushiro brought with him from research lab in his tower was slowly being melted into shape and the ones that were made into components we're placed in their designated position.

Then the light slowly dissipated.

Reflected in Kyoushiro's eyes were brilliant sparks of blue hue. The item which Kyoushiro created was a intricate device that had a shape of a box. On it's lid was silver plate while on all of it's side were different colored marbles embedded on it's center.

This was the object that Kyoushiro thought of for the request Rizandra asked of him.

"An artifact that can appraised even the most ancient object. I don't know about carbon dating but this should be enough"

Before Kyoushiro came back to Ambrosia, he was requested to do something. Since the item he brought to Oceanus cannot be appraised by his skill, Kyoushiro had to think of another way to do so.

Though there meticulous methods that he can think of, this was the only thing that he could created with what his skills can do. Even from the 500 old books he has on himself, couldn't provide him with an artifact he truly needed.

Kyoushiro then decided to test the artifact he created and placed a single knife he has in his magic necklace.

[Item name: Crude Knife]
–A knife created by Kyoushiro Kagami.
Effects: +1 in Strength.

The silver plate slowly wrote the information of the item on it's surface. Kyoushiro, who was watching this didn't know that it had a sort of function. Kyoushiro merely imagined that it would the artifact's name and origin. This was just like some high level appraisal skill. Even Kyoushiro's appraisal skill can do the same thing.

"Tsk. I don't know if it worked or not. I should go and test the orb thing first to see if it works"

Kyoushiro sighed and held his head. He was tired in a different meaning. What happened during the parade got to him and it was preventing him from sleeping. Of course, Kyoushiro thought of his own actions resulting in that sort of ending. But he didn't really wanted his own daughter to see him kill someone right before her eyes.


Kyoushiro's ears heard the knock on the door and turned his head in order to see who it was. Right there was a young girl that looked similar to Lucinda but she had her father's eyes instead.

"Clara? What are you doing up so late?"


The little girl who wasn't even able to talk yet or understand other people's intentions quietly walked towards her father.

Kyoushiro tilted his head in wonderment, then took Clara by the arms and carried her onto his lap. Thinking that she was just tired or something, Kyoushiro decided to lull her to sleep. But Clara was looking at him, straight in his eyes, as though staring right through his soul.

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