Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The fight for survival and the hero's Punishment.....

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Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - The fight for survival and the hero's Punishment.....


About three days has passed since the day that the heroes embarked on the journey to train inside the labrynth in the eastern forest in the city of Palma. The news about them not returning to the inn they reserved for their training has been spread through the wives with more or less nothing to do. Although only three days have only passed, many of the people were bothered by the fact that the heroes not returning after entering the labrynth.

Currently, the matter was being investigated. The safety of the heroes were being taken as a serious matter even by the public. Mainly because that the heroes were only recently summoned and they have yet to reach levels of higher stats.

So, many investigators were sent to investigate the labrynth. Interrogation of witnesses and various other things were being held as well. Since the last place where the heroes disappeared was the labrynth, they focused their investigation on that place.

Because of that, they have found the cause of the disappearance of the heroes. Inside the labrynth was a path of four meters tall and three meters wide. There, was a trap laid with incredible high difficulty to detect. It was a trap that exist in the previous years before the war of the demon lords even began. At first glance it looks like a small magic circle with no significant use whatsoever but, once activated, illusionary space can be seen and entered like a portal. There, once entered will be a wide room with no obstructions can be seen. Only a gigantic crystal that illuminates the dome shape room.

It was called 'Wave room'. It is a type of space that spawn monsters in waves every 12 hours and each wave were stronger than the previous ones as times goes by. However, such trap has a weakness. It has a core within the room that can't be seen by the naked eye. Once it was discovered and destroyed, the wave room will disappear and the wave of monsters will stop. But, if you can't figure out where the core is and destroy it, the wave room will continue to spawn monsters.

Unlike normal rooms, the wave room was a peculiar room where it appears in relatively fixed locations. There are times when it will appear in floors far deeper and times when it appear in higher floors like in the 25th floor. Since it's appearance can't be predicted, there is hardley any information regarding such room. Still, it was an effective room for higher rank adventurers since the room will keep spawing monsters and with that, makes the individual raise in level. The room is also known as 'Farming room' for high level adventurers.






The king received such news. Inside the throne room, the king was reading the report of the investigators sent to investigate the labrynth. His face was painted with impatience and obvious enough, he was worried about the heroes.

"How are the attempts in taking them out from the outside?"

"For now it is impossible but the attempts are being tried non-stop. However, it is not advisable to continue since it might affect the exit of the heroes will use"

In fact, one adventurer tried it once and failed to save his companions. After that, that adventurers have entered it never seened again. Because of that, tampering of the magic circle that activates the trap have been banned heavily. Since it's cost are lives that entered it, the guild post a warning sign about it but was teared down eventually due to lack of proof. Still, the warnings have been spread but since it has no conclusive proof, the people just based it as an urban legend of some sort.

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