Late Night Thoughts

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Leorio lied awake in the middle of the night. Kurapika was beside him, holding onto his middle, fast asleep. He looked so cute there. His blonde hair fell on his face as he slept. It flew ever so lightly as he breathed. How cute it was. Leorio was playing with his hair. Very lightly, so he wouldn't wake him up. Kurapika could get very grumpy if you woke him before his liking. 

Leorio couldn't sleep. He was thinking. Maybe he should try to go to sleep. He had work tomorrow. But sleeping was difficult for him. It always had been.

Leorio moved Kurapika's hair to look at his face. His cheek was up against Leorio's chest, making him look like a baby. Leorio traced Kurapika's face. He loved him so much.

He never would've thought that he would lie with another man at night. Let alone Kurapika. He seemed to be such a brat when they first met. Leorio hated him. But as they got to know each other, Leorio realized he wasn't so bad. He was just upset.

Leorio came to like him quite a bit. And soon he cared about him, a lot. He really cared. And soon he began to think things about him you wouldn't think of a friend. Leorio remembered seeing something once about when you loved someone, how you would notice the little things about them. 

Leorio did notice things about Kurapika. How his eyes shone in the sunlight. How smooth his skin seemed to be. How bright and soft his hair looked. How his nails always seemed to be the same length. And how pink his lips were. Overall, how perfect he was.

Leorio came to his senses and realized he loved Kurapika. Not in the same way he loved the rest of his friends. He actually loved him.

And now, here they were. Living together, with a dog. Sleeping in the same bed. And sharing words of affection. That among other things.

It seemed to be Leorio's dream. And he was happy with it. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that wasn't all. As he thought about it, he took Kurapika's hand. He examined it. He looked at his fingers. How would a ring look on his hand?

Rings were pretty. Kurapika liked jewelry. And Leorio liked Kurapika. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea. He could buy a ring and ask him.

But was Kurapika into long-term? It wouldn't be bad. Leorio really liked Kurapika. And he was sure Kurapika liked him. I mean look at them.

Leorio really wanted to kiss Kurapika right now. But he didn't want to wake him.

Leorio also really wanted to marry Kurapika. Like his mom said to. He let out a loud sigh.

At the next house over a car pulled into the driveway. At that moment, Max started to bark. "Shh," Leorio said. Kurapika groaned and opened his eyes. "Leorio," he said in a tired voice. "Have you gone to sleep yet?" Leorio smiled at him. "It's fine," he said. "Go back to sleep." Kurapika sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Can I get some water," he asked.

Leorio sat up next to him. "Of course," he replied. "Can you quiet your dog down?" Kurapika yawned. "It's our dog," he replied. "And of course I will." He reached out and picked up Max from the end of the bed. "Quiet down puppy," he said in a sweet voice. "It's just the neighbors."

Leorio walked to the kitchen to get Kurapika water from the fridge. Maybe afterward he should get a drink himself. To help think things over. No, he would lay with Kurapika. He didn't want to leave him. He loved Kurapika a lot.

And about what he was thinking earlier, maybe someday. Maybe someday.

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