{Impulsive Decisions}

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Based on a conversation I had with Leorio_Is_Hot
Depressed besties making impulsive decisions

It was around midnight and Leorio couldn't sleep. The reason why? He didn't know, but probably because of depression. Or anxiety. Or both. He didn't want to start watching tv. Kurapika was asleep in one room over. Leorio sighed and sat up. Time to do something impulsive!

Leorio quietly walked to his door. He twisted the doorknob and opened it. As he walked into the hall, he was greeted. Kurapika was walking into the hall too.

They both paused, just looking at each other.

"Good morning," Leorio said.


Leorio cleared his throat. "So, uh, what are you doing up," he asked. Kurapika adjusted his stance. "I could ask the same thing," he said. Leorio bit his lip. "I couldn't sleep," he said. "And I felt like doing something but I don't know what. You?" "I was going to do something too. Unlike you, I know what I'll do." "Really? What?"

Kurapika took a strand of hair and twisted it around his finger. "I want to try a new look," he said. "I was going to the store. So I could buy hair dye." "Sounds like a plan. Let's go!" "What? Really?" "Yep! There's a twenty-four-hour store like twenty minutes away! Let's go!" "But we're still in pajamas!" "Then change. I'm going to put a coat on and I'll be done with it." "You're kidding." "Nope. Come on!"


Kurapika reached up to the top shelf. He pulled down the box of hair dye. The label read 'Ballet Slipper Pink'. Kurapika had no problem with pink. People viewed it as 'feminine' but Kurapika liked the color. His mom used to say it brought out his eyes. He smiled at the memory and dropped the box in his basket.

Standing next to Kurapika with his own basket, was Leorio. He was also looking at hair dye. Unlike Kurapika, he wasn't going to get a bright color. A natural color. Maybe something barely noticeable. Thinking this, he grabbed a box. 'Midnight Black'. Leorio smiled, perfect.

"You done," Leorio asked. Kurapika nodded, "You?" Leorio nodded, "To the checkout." As they walked away, Leorio paused. "Wanna get some snacks," he asked. Kurapika shrugged, "Sure. We'll probably be up for a while." "Nice. What do you want? Chips, pretzels, what?" "Popcorn." "Alrighty then."

Leorio grabbed a box of microwaveable popcorn. He put it in his basket.

The two men walked forward to the check-out. Leorio stopped again. He grabbed something off a rack and tossed it into his basket. Kurapika glanced over. "What's that," he asked. Leorio smiled, "Se-cer-ret." Kurapika rolled his eyes and paid for his things. Leorio paid for his and they exited the store.


"Be quick but precise," Kurapika said, sitting in his chair. "I want all of my hair covered. But quickly before it sets." "Okay, okay," Leorio said. "Stop pressuring me. I already have enough stress to handle." "What stress?" "I have an exam Tuesday. One that I didn't study for." "Then you should've studied instead of shopping." "You gave me the idea. I probably would've just got a drink of water and sat in bed."

Leorio used the brush and painted a strand of hair. Kurapika took a deep breath. "You seem to be good at this," he said. Leorio hummed. "Yeah," he said. "Before I took the Hunter's Exam, I went to cosmetic school. Hoping I could get some money for college and med school doing hair. Turns out that's expensive too."

Kurapika pursed his lips. "I would expect so," he said. Leorio painted another strand. "Okay, be quiet for a second," Leorio said. "I need to focus." "Oh. Sorry."

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