Surprise Visit

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Prompt: Family interactions (I used google translate so don't mind that)

Kurapika opened his book and lied down on the couch. He had lost interest in the book but was still trying to read. He was thinking. He moved in. He moved in with Leorio. It had taken at least two months for both of them to get their stuff set up. 

Kurapika couldn't get over it. Leorio made the decision so quickly. Just three months after dating, when he had gotten a job offer. And Kurapika agreed with him. He needed somewhere to stay after all. And even if they had just gotten their unpacking done last week, so far it had been perfect.

Leorio was at work now, leaving Kurapika alone. He would have to find a new job. Working in the mafia didn't work for him or Leorio. Moving didn't make it much better either. So, he quit. He kept in contact with his work friends but didn't accept any job offers. He thought about it but decided not to. His mistake.

Kurapika sighed. He tried to find the paragraph he was on before he got lost in his own thoughts. But he gave up and started the page all over again. How many times had he read the same paragraph? Twelve, maybe thirteen times? He giggled as he remembered how Leorio used to grumble about re-reading the same page. How Gon, Killua, or Kurapika would always distract him.

Shit, he lost his mark again. Kurapika shut the book. It's crazy how love can be distracting even when they aren't there. Kurapika looked down at what he was wearing, he should change. 

He stood and walked into his room. No, his and Leorio's room. He smiled again. He had a home. A home he could share with the man he loved.

Kurapika opened the closet looking at his clothes. He would most likely be staying home today so he didn't have to dress nicely. Comfortable clothes would do. Maybe, he could steal one of Leorio's few hoodies.

He got a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to change into. It wasn't cold out, he should be fine if he was staying indoors. 

As he was in the bathroom, fixing his hair there was a knock on the door. Who could it be? Leorio wasn't supposed to get back from work until two more hours. Maybe Killua and Gon coming for a surprise visit. They used to do that.

Kurapika pulled up his hair and went to open the door. "Hello," a woman greeted him. "Is this Leorio's house?" 

Kurapika nodded. "Yes," he said. "Excuse me but who-" The woman pushed past him. She was rather beautiful. Her hair was brown and went a little past her shoulders. Her lips were painted with red lipstick. She was tanned and her eyes were brown. She was wearing a purple dress and black heels, holding a black handbag.

The woman stood looking around. "You must be," she said and turned around. She looked him up and down. "His boyfriend." 

Kurapika slowly nodded. "I am," he said. "And you are?" 

The woman let out a hearty laugh. "Well," she said. "I'm his mother."

Kurapika's eyes widened. "Oh," he said. "I'm sorry for being rude. Sit down I'll make tea." 

The woman smiled at Kurapika. "It's fine," she said. "I just wish Leorio told me he had a boyfriend. And such a pretty one too." 

Kurapika smiled. "Thank you," he said. "I didn't know his family didn't know we were dating." 

Leorio's mom smiled. "Quite sad isn't it," she said. "I'm Rosaline." She stuck out her hand and Kurapika shook it. "But you can call me Rosa. You must be Kurapika."

Kurapika nodded. Rosaline smiled again. "I thought so," she said. "Leorio talked about you a lot in his notes. I could only assume he liked you. I always knew he wasn't attracted to just women." 

Kurapika chuckled. "I never would've guessed," he said walking over to the stove. He got started on the tea and turned to Leorio's mother. 

She was looking at him and smiling. "I'm happy he found someone like you," she said. Kurapika smiled again.

"Leorio is at work," Kurapika said while he poured a cup of tea. "We'll have to wait for him to get back. I hope you like jasmine." 

She smiled up at him from the couch. "I love jasmine," she replied.


Leorio sighed. It was a long day at work and difficult. He had to put up with screaming children, complaining parents, and cranky old people. There were only a few nice people until he had to tell them bad news. He hated clinic duty. He hated it so much. He couldn't wait to get home to relax.

He put his hand on the doorknob and paused. Did he hear laughter? He slowly opened the door. Kurapika was sitting on the couch. Sitting on the couch with Leorio's mom. He turned to him. "Oh, hey, Leorio," he said. "Back so early?" 

Leorio's looked at Kurapika and to his mom. "Yes, I am," he said. "Ma, what are you doing here?" 

She stood and smiled. "I wanted to give you a surprise," she said walking over. She hugged him. "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend," she asked. 

Leorio shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "I just didn't think-"

Rosa frowned. "That I wouldn't accept you," she finished his sentence. "Honestamente chico, you know your ma will always love you. No matter what." 

Leorio sighed. "I know," he replied, hugging his mom again. He couldn't help but laugh when she whispered something in his ear. "Cásate con él."

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