Chapter 68

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2 months later...

I looked around the new, empty house. It had taken quite some time to find the right house, but I found one. I had moved over just a few towns from the last one.

Ever since the day after I dropped Sarah back off at her house, I've heard nothing from her. I've heard nothing about her, yet Dallon continues to say that she's moved on with her life.

Sometimes I think I like to think that she misses me. The funny thing about that is the fact that I don't miss her, so I don't understand why I want her to miss me.

It was never going to work between us. There were just too many secrets hiding on both sides of the relationship and we all know where that leads us.

I sighed, moving back outside to grab the last box from the truck. What was nice about this town was how quiet it was. Sure, my old neighbors barely said a word to me, but I think I'd like this place better.

I placed the last box down near the door, closing it behind me once I had freed my hands. This was it. I was closing a chapter in my life. 

I looked around the house, seeing that there wasn't as many boxes as I thought there would be. I mean, I did donate majority of my clothes. Plus, I had to throw out the stained ones.

I moved myself over to the couch, laying back to relax for a bit. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths in. Everything seemed to be moving at a great pace.

There was no rush for anything and I felt comfortable. I slowly opened my eyes once again, catching something in the corner of my eye.

I furrowed my eyebrows, moving over to look for whatever it was that had caught my attention. Through the window, I could see a girl helping her father rake the leaves that had fallen into their front lawn.

The girl had long, blonde hair and quite the little body. I couldn't get a good look at her from the front side, but I knew what I saw. I licked my dry lips.

I felt the urge to go out there and greet them, but I knew that that wasn't what new neighbors do. The neighbors come to the newcomer. It's not the other way around.

I opened the windows to let the draft in, cooling down the house with the fall breeze. I'd get to know her soon enough. It was bound to happen.

"Ella! James is on the phone for you!" I watched as the girl placed the rake up against the tree, running inside with a smile on her face.

So, Ella is her name. Well, I'd love to get to know her. Maybe I'll have to find a way to get to introduce myself and then slowly continue to get closer. I'm thinking more than neighbors.

It's funny how with one look at someone, you could become obsessed. Little did I know, I'd become more than just obsessed with this girl.

I closed my eyes and smiled a wicked smile at the thought of us together. She'd soon be mine. I was sure of it.


A/N: Hello, lovely readers! Thank you, for reading and spreading the love on this book. I enjoyed writing it and completing the series! This book is the first book in the Doll Maker series, followed by Doll Maker, and My Doll. I have other books that you can check out as well! Once again, thank you for reading. You all are truly amazing!

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