Chapter 20

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I didn't follow her out of the bar. I decided that it would be best if I just stayed away from her and let this pan out for itself. I finished up my drink and kept an eye on her friends.

I could tell that they were stuck up, yet they didn't have the money for any of this. I mean, their reactions to having to pay twelve dollars for a drink were priceless.

I sighed, enjoying this scenery. This bar wasn't like your average bar. It was more of a chill club type of a bar. There were open mics, lounge areas, and a dance floor for whenever the bands decided to play.

I rested my arm on the bar, then looked around, scanning the room. My eyes landed on that guy that Sarah was with earlier. I narrowed my eyes, feeling like he had something up his sleeve.

I continued to follow him with my eyes for a few more minutes, watching as he hooked up with about ten other girls. I shivered as those memories came back to me.

I can't believe I slept around. What kind of idiot was I? I shook out of my thoughts when my phone started ringing. I dug into my pocket, pulling it out.

Why the hell is Sarah calling me? "Hello?" Sarah sniffled, her breath hitching in her throat. "B-Brendon, I-I need you."

Please, tell me this isn't about the murder. I would hate to have to lie straight through my teeth to her. "What's wrong, Sarah?"

She sniffled again, then went silent for a second. "M-My b-brother was m-murdered." My heart dropped and I could feel my phone starting to slip out of my hand.

"W-What?!" Some of the other people in the bar looked at me and I apologized under my breath. "H-His body w-was found on f-fifty-fourth street."

Oh, my god. I killed her brother. I bit my lip, trying to calm myself down as I was about to have a panic attack in front of all these people. "Where are you right now?"

Sarah took a deep breath, taking a moment to see where she was. "I-I'm in Johnsonville." I cleared my throat and stood up from my seat.

"I'll meet you at the park in about fifteen minutes. After that, we can go home and watch a movie or something."

Sarah giggled, causing my heart to break even more. "T-Thanks, Brendon." She hung up the phone, leaving me to think about what I had done.

The voices in my head were completely fine with it, telling me that it had to be done, but I was a wreck. I should've done more research. If anything, the guy she was with tonight was sketchy. 

I'll have to keep an eye out for him too, but for now, I need to get to Sarah.

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