Chapter 58

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Today was the day that Sarah would be able to come over. Her work load had been taking up majority of her time lately. To waste time, I was back in the dollhouse, working on some of the finishing touches.

I held both shades of pink and purple in my hands, trying to see which one would fit in with the color scheme. My mind had been drifting off, while I was doing this.

Would I turn Sarah into my doll? I would be able to keep her here and cherish her until the day I die. I shook my head and sighed.

That had to be the dumbest thing I had thought about all day. I heard Stephanie tossing and turning on the bed, my eyes rolling when she made a muffled noise.

I didn't know if I liked hearing her voice or her muffled noises more. Hell, I couldn't stand her much anyway. I turned to look at her.

I watched as her feet touched the carpet, her toes wiggling around. Her doe eyes looked up at me and I had wished I taught her sign language.

It would help me out to know what she wanted. Stephanie brought her bony hand up to her stomach. I bit my lip, knowing that she was hungry.

I really should've thought through the whole sewing her mouth shut thing. "I'm sorry, doll, but I can't feed you. Your teeth would be sensitive and if I were to cut open your lips, you'd be tasting blood for a long time."

She looked down at the floor. I knew she wanted to cry for help and I knew she wanted to cry in general. All of her tears were gone since the first week she was in here.

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it when I heard the doorbell ring. My eyes widened and so did Stephanie's.

"Don't you even think about it." Her eyes traveled over to the door before she ran to it. I grabbed her wrist and held it behind her back.

My lips were pressed against her ear as I breathed heavily. "No one can save you from me. I'm in control." I kicked her legs out from under her, then watched as she fell to the ground.

I made my way towards the door, looking behind me to see Stephanie one last time. "I'll be back." I closed and locked the door, hearing the doorbell ringing once again.

I ran up the stairs and to the front door. Unlocking and opening the door, I came face to face with the love of my life.

"Hey, babe." Sarah smiled, walking into my opened arms. "I missed you, Bren. I'm sorry, for not coming over sooner. My boss was just upset that Ralph disappeared so suddenly and took it out on the office."

I nodded my head and tried to play it off as if I didn't know anything about Ralph. "Damn. I always knew that man was a slacker."

Sarah playfully slapped me on the arm, then made her way inside the house. God, how I missed her. I missed her smile the most.

I wasn't lying when I said that it brightened up the room. "So, what have you been up to lately, Brendon?" I shrugged, then looked around.

"I've been reading more and started to clean out some of my old things." She nodded and sat down on the couch.

Maybe I did lie to her, but I couldn't tell her about the dollhouse. Not yet, at least.

I sat down beside her and felt her head on my shoulder. "I missed seeing you, babe. I' just glad I got that report done this week. I was on the verge of being fired."

I began to rub her arm. "You sound a bit stressed out. You know what can help relieve that?" She looked up at me, rolling her eyes.

"Stop it, Urie. I just got here." I chuckled. "It was worth a shot."

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