Chapter 57

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It had been a week since I last saw Sarah. It seemed like she had been distancing herself from me or maybe it was the other way around.

I had told Dallon about this problem, but he just shrugged it off. "Honestly, I think you're letting those dumb voices get to you, Brendon. Sarah's been busy all week with her work."

Sighing, I rolled my eyes and closed my eyes. Ever since I had claimed that I was insane, the voices were at an all time high. They wouldn't shut up.

I've been staying up pretty late as well. "Well, maybe I'm just bad with trust issues, Dal. What if she's cheating on me?"

Dallon shrugged, pursing his lips. "That's a you problem. I also have no way of telling you if she's cheating or not. If she's not the one, you'll find the one soon, Bren. Just take a chill pill."

I nodded, watching as Dallon stood up. "I need to get going, but call me if there's something that's troubling you, man. You're my best friend and I would like to see you thrive in life."

I smiled, giving him a hug. "Of course. Thanks, for everything." He gave a curt nod and walked out the door. 

I was alone again and the voices had left for a bit. My eyes drifted over towards the basement as I bit my lip. I didn't want to go back into that room, but I knew I would have to soon.

A sigh escaped my lips as I began to walk to the basement door. My project that had been taking place down there was slowly coming along.

Ever since I found a small room in my basement, I thought that I would take matters into my own hands. Remember, Stephanie? She's down in there. 

My feet traveled down the wooden stairs, flicking on the light switch as I walked past it. The lights flickered a bit before turning on all the way.

When I had reached the cement floor, I turned to my right, eyeing the old door. I gulped as my body had gone into auto-pilot mode. I found myself growing closr and closer to the door.

My hand wrapped around the cool door knob before grabbing the key from my pocket. I placed it into the key hole and turned the knob.

There was a light breeze that hit me when I opened the door. I could see Stephanie's figure lying on the bed in the corner of the polka dot room.

I called this place the dollhouse. It would seem stupid to call it that to others, but not to me. I have dreams about this place.

I would soon find more victims who have done so much wrong in this world and bring them here to be my own personal dolls. They would be punished for their sins.

I wet my lips and walk over towards Stephanie. For now, she was alive. I knew I would get bored of her soon, but until then, she would live as a doll.

"Wake up, sunshine." Stephanie tossed and turned, but soon sat up and rubbed her eyes. I smirked at her sewed up lips. I would never forget her transformation.

The makeup I had first put on her had all rubbed off, leaving her perfect complexion to show. "I missed you, darling. Did you miss me?"

I rubbed my thumb over her bottom lip. The stitches were still there from that day. I had also noticed that she was beginning to lose a lot of weight. I'm surprised she hasn't died, yet.

"I came down here to have a little fun. I was thinking about giving you a new tattoo." Her eyes widened and I can only imagine how fast her heart is pumping.

I love when people fear me because I know that I'm in full control.

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