Chapter 7

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"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I grew irritated with Stephanie's screams and cries for help. I didn't want to do this to her, but I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't possibly let her go now.

She would just go to the police and I would be thrown in jail. I had tied her down to an old, wooden chair with some extra rope just an hour ago. I was surprised when she became conscious just a few minutes ago.

Normally, other people would be knocked out for hours. Wincing at her screams, I covered my ears, then glared at her. She just looked back at me with one of those 'try me' faces.

I growled, moving closer to her at a fast pace. Once I was close enough, I grabbed her jaw, stopping the high pitched screams from coming out of her mouth. 

"If you don't shut up within the next ten seconds, I'll sew your damn mouth shut!" Stephanie looked up at me, furrowing her eyebrows. I let go of her jaw, waiting to see what she would do next.

She opened her mouth and when I was ready to cover my ears, she spit in my face. I closed my eyes tightly, wiping her saliva off of my face with my sleeve.

I chuckled darkly, then sighed. "You asked for it, doll." I made my way upstairs, ignoring her little whimpers. Stephanie had a chance, but like every other girl in a horror movie, she ruined it. 

I walked into the hall, grabbing some thread and a needle from the closet. As I made my way back downstairs, I watched as her eyes went wide when she saw the needle and thread.

"B-Brendon, p-pleas-" I shook my head, holding up my hand. "You had your chance, sweetheart. Now, stay quiet and keep those pretty lips of yours shut."

She softly cried as I stuck some of the thread through the little hole in the needle. I walked closer to her, only to have her move her head back. I laughed, grabbing her jaw with my hand.

"Don't make me do something I'll regret, Steph. I don't want to hurt you more than I already have." While she was sniffling, I stuck the needle through her lips, then began to make a pattern.

Up, down, up, down. Stephanie's muffled cries were like music to my ears, but there was a voice in the back of my head that told me to make it stop.

Once I was done, I looked at the dried blood that was all over her face and my hands. Stephanie looked up at me, tears falling down her cheeks.

I did it. I won this little battle and no one would find out about what I have done. Not going to lie, I wish I had done something like this sooner.

It's a nice feeling to have the power rushing into you. I bit my lip as I looked down at her again. I wasn't really happy with the way she looked. I wanted to make her look like a prize.

I bent down to her level, looking into her eyes. "I'm going to cut this rope off of you, darling. If you dare try to run, I'll kill you before you can even blink."

She gulped, slowly nodding her head. I smirked, chuckling a little. "That's a good girl. We're going to put you into some more comfortable clothing as well. You seem uncomfortable in that revealing dress of yours."

I began to cut the ropes, waiting to see if she would try anything. Instead of disobeying me, Stephanie sat there, playing with her thumbs as she waited for me to be done.

This is going to sound extremely weird, but I knew just what to put her in. One of my one night stands decided that they would go home in my clothing rather than theirs, so I just kept the dress she left me.

I told Stephanie to follow me up into my room. She nodded, walking a few steps behind me. I continued to look back at her, knowing that she could escape at any time.

When we reached my room, I closed the door behind us, then began digging through my closet for the dress. I found it behind the large collection of blazers I have.

When I pulled it out, I inspected it. It was a baby pink colored dress, covered with tiny, purple polka dots. I held it out to her, turning around to let her change.

I smirked to myself, finding a bunch of joy in this all. It was like she was a doll. A live, human doll in that matter. Stephanie would be my secret doll that no one would ever find out about.

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