Chapter 14

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I'm always the one to get down to business when it comes to working at the office, but I needed to look out for Sarah. It was the least I could do for her.

I looked at the picture I took of that man, then sat down in my chair. I went digging through my drawers, looking for a USB cable. The easier way to do this all would probably to hand this information over to my friend Dallon.

Dallon helps out the FBI and the government whenever they need help tracking someone. He was skilled with hacking as well, which is another reason why he helps out. Not to mention, he makes good money with that job.

Even though I didn't want to do the research myself, I was going to. I didn't want the fun to be sucked out of me just because I'm too lazy to do anything. 

I sighed, plugging the cord into the computer. I uploaded the picture and saved it as a file that would be hidden in my classified folder.

My eyes flicked over to the pile of contracts on the edge of my desk. I rolled my eyes and closed out of everything I was doing. He was going to have to wait. I didn't want to lose my job over that guy.


I grabbed my laptop from the passenger seat, then slammed the car door behind me. Another stressful, yet successful day at the office. 

As I made my way up to my front door, I fought the urge to look over at Sarah's house. Even though I did love her, I needed to stop myself from completely falling for her.

If she had rejected me, I don't know if I'd be able to live anymore. I unlocked the door, stepping into the house. The cool air hit my face, welcoming me in.

I had completely forgotten about what I was doing earlier and I think I want to keep it that way. I wanted to have a clean slate from Sarah's...boy friends.

I sighed, placing my laptop on the coffee table as I sat down on the couch. The tv remote was just about an inch or two away from me, sitting on the table, but I didn't feel like turning on the tv.

I just wanted to relax and forget about my troubles for once. I slowly started to lay myself down, my eyes closing in the process. I didn't care that I was still in my suit.

I let out a breath, then breathed in and out slowly. After about five minutes, the silence was interrupted by my phone. I opened one eye, irritated that I couldn't go a day without someone contacting me.

Without even looking at the caller ID, I picked up the phone, ready to complain. Before I could even take a deep breath, Sarah started talking. 

"What if I told you that I want to be more than friends? Like, we just try it out and experience what it would be like together."

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