Chapter 33

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I stood over Mike's body, continuing to watch as the blood poured from him. The bad thing is, I couldn't get his body out of here without being seen.

I groaned, hearing all of the loud voices and music coming from downstairs. I couldn't wait here all night. Sighing, I stepped over his body and walked towards the window.

It seemed like the only logical thing to do. I opened the window, seeing that there was a couple drunks out on the patio. They would just think that the body was a hallucination.

I looked over at his body once again, thinking about how the blood could get all over my clothes. Of course, I never think before I do anything. 

I couldn't have my clothes covered in blood and just carelessly walk out of here like nothing happened. I had to cover myself up, so I wouldn't have to worry about that.

I began to think about taking clothes from the closet, but I knew I would immediately feel bad. Hell, I feel bad for killing Mike, but he deserved it. He had to die.

Rolling my eyes, I decided that I would just go with the bed sheets. I knew that my fingerprints would be all over them, but hopefully they don't test it.

Who am I kidding? Of course, they'll test the bed sheets to see Mike's blood and who touched it. Fuck. I walked over to the bed, ripping the sheets off of it, then began to wrap Mike in them.

My whole plan to throw his body out the window was still sitting in my mind, but I decided against it. The police wouldn't be called until tomorrow morning, at the latest.

I was just going to leave his body here and hope for the best. If I went to jail, I went to jail. There is nothing I can do. I huffed, looking down at my work.

This was good enough and I couldn't do anything more. There were blood stains everywhere, but I didn't care. It's over with and there was no going back.

The part that made me upset about this whole thing was the fact that this was all for Sarah. I hate to say it, but I think I've fallen for her again.

And the worst part was, I was going to have to break it to Maddie.

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