Chapter 63

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The darkness was quite inviting. No matter which direction I turned to face, I was greeted with darkness. Others would be bothered by this, but simply, I'm not.

I sighed, telling myself that this nightmare would be over real soon. The darkness began to fade away, leaving me with a picture of my living room.

There was someone banging on my front door and I could already tell who was doing it. I took a couple steps before I saw the front door open all the way, revealing Sarah.

Her eyes were bloodshot and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. "How could you?!" I furrowed my eyebrows. "What did I do?"

Sarah sarcastically laughed, pulling out pictures of my past victims. I bit the inside of my cheek, mentally smacking myself for putting large red X's on them.

"Did you kill them?" I couldn't cover myself up and this was the one thing I was scared about. "I did, but I'll let you know that I did this for you. This was all for you."

The pictures fell to the floor slowly as Sarah's hand let go of them. "I can't believe you. Y-You killed people for me and now you're going to act like everything should be alright between us?! You're absolutely insane! How could I love you?!"

I was surprised by the way I was acting calm towards this. I mean, I know this is all a nightmare, but I should still be scared shitless right now. I'm practically losing the love of my life right now.

"They were going to hurt you and you were going to allow it. Was I supposed to just stand by and let it happen? If anything, I solved the problem. I took care of it."

Sarah shook her head and began to back away from me. "You didn't solve it. You killed innocent people, Brendon. I rather be manipulated by people than date you. You're sick!"

Before I could say anything else, she ran off. Just when I thought I was calm before this, I could feel myself slowly losing it.

Get yourself together, Brendon. It's just a nightmare and soon you'll wake up from it. Just relax.

No matter how many times I seemed to repeat that, I couldn't let it stick to me. I began trashing the place, throwing any object in my way against the wall.

I can't lose Sarah. Not now and not ever.

I woke up, rubbing my eyes. I still can't get over the fact that I didn't care too much about losing Sarah. I mean, in the end I cared, but not while it was happening.

Could this be some vision from the future? If that's the case, I'll be sure to be ready to tackle this, so I can be with Sarah for the rest of my life.

I can't afford to lose her. 

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