Chapter 55

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It was calm in this part of the woods. I was very surprised since there's always a bunch of people walking the path or something.

I continued to watch as Ralph's body burned. The way his flesh just seemed to melt off of his now burnt bones. I was too happy for all of this.

The voices in my head had made it quite evident that they were satisfied with my doing. I was too. Surprisingly, they haven't been as loud as they have been the past few days.

Though, there was one voice that stuck out to me in particular. It sounded like my father's, but I wasn't too sure on it.

"Great job. Now, you'll have to find your next victim. Sarah is yours. All yours." I closed my eyes, a smile slowly pulling at my lips. I felt good. I felt insane.

 I couldn't hold back a chuckle as I looked back down at Ralph's ashes. It was game over for him, but for me, the game was going to keep going on until the day I die.

Just as I was about to pour some water over the fire, I heard a couple of voices heading my way. If I get caught like this, I'll be serving time in jail for quite some time.

I wouldn't be able to protect Sarah, if I got caught. I decided that it would be best to just chill out and act like I was having a bonfire.

The voices grew louder as the people grew closer. I had remembered that I had brought a cooler. Walking over to the back of the truck, I saw the couple walking my way.

They seemed to be in deep conversation, so I'll do my best to not grab their attention. I pulled out a beer from the cooler and opened it as quick as possible.

I took a sip, my eyes widening when I heard the woman say something. "Do you smell that? It smells like something's on fire?" 

The couple looked over in my direction. Oh, fuck me. "Excuse me, sir. Do you smell something burning?" I took one last sip, then smiled at them.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just having a little bonfire. My friends are supposed to be here any moment and I thought I'd just get it started. You're welcome to join, if you'd like."

The woman looked over at the man with a warning look on her face. "Uh, I think we'll pass this time. Thank you, for the invitation, though."

I nodded, waving them a goodbye. As if they thought they were out of earshot, they began to talk about me behind my back. 

"I thought you can't burn stuff out in this area." The man shook his head, looking over his shoulder at me.

"Don't worry about it too much. It's not our problem and he's probably messed up in the head."

Ouch. That hurt a little. I didn't think I was messed up in the head. Hell, how do you call me messed up in the head for starting a bonfire?

He's basically saying that anyone who has a bonfire out in the woods is crazy. I rolled my eyes and took another sip from my beer.

I need to get out of here before the law enforcement comes and busts me. I grabbed some water bottles and began filling the bucket I had brought.

If this didn't work, I brought a fire blanket. Once it was filled, I threw the water over the fire, then put the blanket down soon after.

It took a few minutes for the flames to go out, but they soon did. Now, I just needed to leave.

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