Chapter 64

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(Sarah's POV)

It's been two days since I've last seen Brendon. During my time away from him, I took my time with relaxing and taking care of my work.

I would still get these thoughts about the whole situation Brendon had to go through. I know death is hard to talk about, but why did it take so long for him to tell me about it?

I would've understood him real well and I still would've given him his space. Shrugging off the subject just seemed impossible for me.

Tonight, I was supposed to be going over to help him out with redecorating a room. He didn't give me any detail on what he wanted to do with the room, though.

Either way, I was just glad to be going over to help him out. I made my way to the bathroom and began to search the drawers for a hair tie. 

I wasn't planning on dressing up for such a thing like this and I don't really think Brendon will care anyway. I finally found a hair tie in the last drawer, smiling to myself.

I quickly tied my hair up in a pony tail, then made my way out to the living room. I still had a couple minutes to spare and I didn't want to look to excited to go over there, so I planned on waiting to leave.

Sitting down on the couch, I watched a little bit of the re-run episodes of some new series on HBO. When the time came, I got up and made my way over to Brendon's.

It was weird looking at his house. I don't mean that in a creepy way at all. I mean, he normally has the house all lit up and right now, it was dark.

Something about that fact screamed 'dark' and 'depressing'. I did wonder why he decided to call me up to help him decorate. I really wasn't too good at this stuff and it would've been a better option to call Dallon up.

I sighed, my knuckles tapping against the wooden door. I could hear faint footsteps coming from inside the house. It wasn't long before the lock clicked and the door opened.

"Hey, babe. I was wondering when you would get here." Brendon stepped to the side, allowing me to walk into the house.

I took a look around the inside of the house, noticing that a lot had changed. It seemed more homey and it was obvious that he had placed more pictures up on the walls and shelves.

"Well, you've certainly changed up the house a bit. What made you want to do this so suddenly?" Brendon shrugged and sighed.

"I was getting sick of how it looked cause it didn't feel like I put much effort into it, so here's my sudden idea."

He chuckled to himself. "I wanted your help because I feel like you're good at color schemes and stuff like that. Plus, it's an input from my girlfriend."

He winked causing me to blush a bit. His mood seemed to have changed from a couple of days ago and I was glad he was working out of it.

"So, where should we start?" Brendon smiled and waved me to follow him. "We'll start with the bedroom."

He winked, again, causing me to giggle. I was glad that things were slowly getting back to normal.

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