Chapter 21

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So, I waited around by the bar for a good ten minutes, not wanting to show up to where Sarah was until that fifteen minute mark. 

The voices in my head were bothering me, telling me to get my ass back into the bar and kill that guy who was flirting with her. That project would be for another day.

Right now, I just wanted to focus on Sarah. That's all. I soon started to walk to where she was, already spotting her on her phone. She was just a block down from where I was.

To be completely honest, I don't really know if I can live with myself for doing what I did. I should've looked into everything more before I decided to make the final call.

I took a deep breath in, pressing the button for the crosswalk. Sarah looked up, meeting my gaze, softly smiling. Just looking at her broke my heart.

Knowing that I was the one to cause her this pain made me want to stay away. This has happened once before and I vowed to never do it again. A story for another time.

As soon as I was given the sign to walk, I ran across the street and embraced Sarah in a big hug. She hugged back, sniffling from her previous crying.

"Thanks, for coming, Brendon. I honestly don't know what I would do without you." I smiled at her, wiping away the stray tears on her cheeks. 

"Forget about me. Let's get going." She nodded, locking her arm with mine. For the first five minutes, I would say that the silence was that calm and soothing silence.

From then on, that's when it started getting awkward. "I'm sorry about your brother, Sarah. I didn't know him, but I bet he was a great guy."

Sarah laughed, sniffling soon after. "He was something else. Victor was always involved and looking for something to do for everyone. It's not the same without him."

Fuck, Brendon. You really screwed yourself over. "Well, instead of letting him die out, why don't you go around telling people about his legacy? You know, what he's done that way people will never forget him."

Sarah looked up at me, her bloodshot eyes making my heart shatter. "I could do that, but I don't really want to share my experiences with him. It's just that...we had those special moments together that don't need to be shared."

I nodded, looking up at the sky, trying to avoid eye contact. "Yeah, I get that. In all honesty, though, don't mourn. I know it's in our nature, but he wouldn't want you to mourn. He would want you to be happy that you know he's in a better place."

Sarah nodded, turning to face me. "You're right. I guess it's just the shock and fact that's he's gone that got me good."

We turned into the park, sitting down on one of the first benches we saw. Sarah and I looked up at the stars, letting the silence take over once again.

"Do you think he's looking down at us right now?" I turned to her, nodding my head. "Most likely. He probably wants to keep an eye out for his sister."

Sarah laughed, playfully punching me in the shoulder. "Or maybe because he knows what I'm about to do."

I furrowed my eyebrows, then realized what was happening as soon as her lips landed on mine. Oh, my god. She's kissing the killer.

Sarah pulled away looking into my eyes. "I think I want to be more than friends, Bren." I bit my lip, pulling her close to me. "I think I want to be more as well."

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